You May Be Surprised to Know 5 Amazing Plants Can Grow in the Dark (2021)

Light is essential to photosynthesis, the process by which most of the plants we know and encounter make their food. Autotrophic plants are known as such. In this case, light provides energy for the successful completion of the process. The energy is then converted into a form that can be stored, such as starch.

However, plants can still grow and thrive without light by utilizing the stored energy.  Usually, these plants purify the air and are beautiful. Other species can be found outdoors in low-light environments such as under tall trees. We examine the light requirements of such plants in this article.

Are Some Plants Able to Survive Complete Darkness?

Lack of chlorophyll allows some plants to grow completely in complete darkness. They are parasitic plants. Their roots attach themselves to the roots of other nearby plants in order to obtain nutrients. Other organisms obtain their nutrients from fungi.  Mycoheterotrophic plants fall into this category.

Others aren’t parasites; they just grow in the dark when circumstances force them to do so. An example of this is when one wants to grow an outdoor plant indoors without sufficient light, forcing it to continue growing. A major advantage of this activity is that the plant does not form chlorophyll, which is usually responsible for bitter tastes in edible plants.   

What Plants Grow in the Dark?

Although some plants can grow in total darkness, such as mushrooms, others need only a little light to germinate. The areas of the home with the least amount of light are the farthest corners of living rooms, the countertops of bathrooms, and entryways to hallways.

To choose plants for this purpose, one should choose plants with bright, colorful, and green foliage. They do not dry out as fast as those that are exposed to light, so they need a little bit of water. Additionally, houseplant food should be applied once a month as directed.

Some of the best plants to grow in dark or little light areas are:


Mushrooms are one of the edible plants, but not all of them are edible, so one has to be very careful. These structures are produced by fungi as reproductive structures. Humidity and darkness are usually conducive to their growth.

The growing medium provides nutrients to mushrooms. Media such as tree bark, wooden logs, sawdust, and moist hay can be used.

Lighting Requirements

As mushrooms do not contain chlorophyll, they do not require light to make their food.  Because of this, they grow well in dark conditions. Despite that, mushrooms still require a little bit of light to fruit.

Shade from the trees provides some filtered light to outdoor plants. For fruiting, indoor plants can be provided with artificial light or indirect sunlight.

White Asparagus

It is green asparagus, which is grown in different environments. However, cultivars for growing this variety tend to be thicker than those for the others. Many times, it is planted in general dark conditions, such as an opaque plastic, where it is not exposed to light. It has a fleshy structure with a sweet earthy taste and a somewhat bitter finish.

Lighting Requirements

Dark rooms are the perfect environment for this plant. Lack of light gives it its white color. On the production bed, seeds are usually planted 2 inches apart and 0.5 inches deep. Due to the lack of light, moderate watering should be done at this stage in order to ensure good production. Germination takes around 12 days. When the crowns reach a height of about 2 inches, the cultivars can be transferred to dark areas.


Also known as Chinese evergreens. Aglaonema are drought-resistant plants, so they do not require a lot of attention in terms of water.

These plants have multicolored leaves in shades of yellow, green, pink, and red. In a living room, this type of plant eliminates the need for flowers. When choosing this type of plant, color is the most important factor. The best type that requires a minimum amount of light is the green color.

Lighting Requirements

The Chinese evergreens thrive in shady, filtered light areas. These areas should be frost-free to ensure good production.

Forced Rhubarb

Under a light deprivation arrangement, it is a type of rhubarb. The crowns are triggered to produce pale stalks as a result. These are what are used for cooking. Rhubarb is typically more delicious and softer than the original.  

Lighting requirements

This is a type of plant that can grow in total darkness. They can generally perform well when covered with a giant bin or container and placed at a temperature of zero degrees. The stalks are developed by using its own stored energy. The plants are usually grown outdoors first and then transferred to dark areas where close monitoring takes place.  

Snake plant

Sansevieria is another name for snake plant. In living rooms, the corner of the room, on a stairway, and in windowless bathrooms are the best places to place it. Succulent plants do not require regular watering.

Lighting requirements

Snake plants need low indirect light as an ideal amount of light. On the other hand, they are capable of resisting full sunlight.

While most plants use light (sunlight) to make their food, some do not require it at all.

Low levels of light or even total darkness make these plants thrive. The correct light requirements for such a plant can be determined by knowing this.

As described above, plants that require low light or no light at all can be propagated according to their requirements.

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