You Must Know 8 Poisonous Houseplants that Are Dangerous for Kids and Pets! (2021)

You should check whether a new houseplant is toxic for children and pets, and what makes it toxic, like ingesting it, touching it, etc.

 Find out which plants are dangerous to have in your home by reading on.

What Causes Poisoning 

In addition to cleaning the air, calming the mind, and adding beauty to a room, house plants are beneficial for your family, but they should not be implemented at the expense of your children or pets.  Ideally, you should keep plants out of reach of children and pets, but this is not always possible.

The following substances can poison you:

  • Ingesting blossoms, roots, or berries
  • Leaf-touching or leaf-eating
  • Juices or sap in contact with the skin
  • Taking a drink from the plant tray
  • Consuming soil

Some of these reasons may seem absurd, but people have done these things for various reasons.  

8 Poisonous Houseplants for Pets and Kids

A popular houseplant is the philodendron, which has a calcium oxalate crystal that indicates that it has too much calcium, because this is what the plant responds to.  Philodendrons are sometimes vining plants, so keep children and pets away from them. 

Ingestion will cause mild side effects such as swelling of the digestive tract and a reaction in the mouth and skin. The effects on pets can be more severe, including seizures, swelling, and pain.  Cats are more susceptible to its toxic effects.

Arrowhead Plant

There is a similarity between this plant and the philodendron, but the leaves are heart-shaped instead of rounded.  Plants shed their leaves constantly, so make sure there are no fallen leaves lying around.  It can irritate the skin, upset the stomach, and cause vomiting in children and pets.  


Devil’s Ivy is another name for this plant.The leaves of this plant are variegated and act as an air purifier.  It is said to be one of the best plants for removing impurities from the air.  While it’s considered mildly harmful in small quantities, it can cause serious side effects in children and pets.  The medication can cause skin irritation, burning of the mouth, and swelling of the throat, lips, and tongue.  Symptoms include drooling, choking, difficulty breathing, and more.  It can even lead to death.


Plants that are called lilies also fall into this category.  Lilies are beautiful flowers, and not all of them are toxic.   In addition to those that are toxic to humans, there are others which are toxic to animals, especially cats.  All lilies should be kept out of reach, and if planted outdoors, they should be planted away from play areas. 

While each lily has its own set of symptoms, children are likely to experience stomach upset, skin irritation, and headaches.  It seems more toxic to cats than dogs, despite its toxic effects on animals.  The plant is toxic in all parts, and some symptoms can include lethargy, vomiting, and even death.


It is also known as dumb cane, and it is related to the philodendron as well as containing oxalate crystals.  The leaves are fleshy and solid green, and the stems are thick.  Usually, this plant is kept in pots on low pedestals or on the floor, so it is more likely to be ingested.  This can cause a burning sensation, numbness, swelling, salivation, and other symptoms in children and pets.

Peace Lily

The plant is an evergreen perennial from South America, not a true lily.  This plant is characterized by its glossy leaves and white blooms.  Air purifiers like these are great.  Children may experience burning and swelling of the tongue, mouth, and lips, nausea, vomiting, and more.  In pets, it causes problems such as dehydration, loss of appetite, and burning mouths.


The foliage of this plant from South America lasts for a very long time.  Elephant ears are also known as elephant ears.Animals and children are poisoned by all parts of this plant.  Humans may experience swelling and painful burning of the throat, mouth, tongue, and lips.  It is possible for pets to experience nausea, staggering, drooling, and more.


It may look so innocent and delicate, but this plant is so toxic that even ingesting the honey made from its nectar can cause symptoms.  Adults have died after ingesting even one leaf, but most deaths occurred after ingesting large amounts. This plant is very dangerous for children.  It can cause arrhythmia and dizziness in children, as well as vomiting and arrhythmia in pets.

The plant can either be grown on a climbing plant or in a hanging basket, or you can let it hang from a table or planter.  When ingested by a child, it may cause burning in the mouth and throat, a fever, and a rash.  You only experience severe symptoms if you consume a large amount of the plant.  The condition can lead to hyperactivity, falling, vomiting, and other symptoms in pets.

Snake Plant

Known as mother-in-law’s tongue, this plant has leathery leaves that resemble swords.  Children’s toxic levels are low, and they suffer short-term symptoms such as nausea, mouth pain, and more.  Ingestion can cause more problems than skin irritation.  Pets may experience excessive salivation, vomiting, diarrhea, and more.

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