Most Beautiful Air Purifying Plants for Your Home (2021)

Your home can be made brighter and more comfortable with greenery placed strategically.  People spend 90 percent of their time indoors, so air quality is important.  When the doors and windows are all closed to keep the cold out and the heat in during the winter months, stagnant indoor environments allow pollutants to build up and remain there longer than they should.  

There is a simple and affordable way to combat these pollutants that we may be breathing in and at the same time beautify your home.  In addition to purifying the air, potted plants also make people feel better as they reduce the amount of air particulates.  Patients in hospitals who had plants in their rooms were more positive and had lower blood pressure and stress levels.  Similarly, indoor plants may even make people “smarter” by increasing their alertness and reducing mental fatigue.

There are many houseplants that are easy to take care of – so easy that you’d have to work pretty hard to kill them.  We have compiled a list of 10 easy-to-care-for indoor air purifiers based on NASA’s research regarding indoor air quality.

Aloe Vera

Healing properties are found in the gel of the aloe plant.  It can also be used to monitor the air quality in your home while soothing minor burns and cuts.  When the amount of harmful chemicals in the air becomes excessive, leaves of the plant will display brown spots. When the plant helps remove pollutants from the air, it can help clean the air of pollutants found in chemical cleaning products.  As a general rule, aloe plants grow best in full sun.

Peace Lily

 Beautiful peace lilies or ‘Spath’ are low-maintenance plants that you can grow in your home.  Peace lilies do well in low to medium light environments and are one of the easiest houseplants to care for since they can tolerate average indoor conditions better than many others.

Snake Plant

This plant is easy to care for.  Snake plants require little light or water to thrive, so they are perfect for any room in your house.  Since snake plants tend to thrive best when neglected, they are an excellent option for someone who wants a houseplant that will thrive with little care.  Carbon dioxide is absorbed and oxygen is released during the night, while most plants do so during the day, so add one to your bedroom for cleaner air.


Since it is extremely easy to grow, the heart-shaped philodendron is a popular indoor choice.  On long vine-like stems, this plant has glossy leaves that emerge bronze and quickly turn green.  At any time, pinching the stems will help create a fuller plant.  Philodendrons are excellent choices for hanging baskets or ledges where vines can spill over the sides.

Red-Leaved Draceana

This beautiful plant, also known as Draceana Marginata, is great for brightly lit rooms, but does not need direct sunlight. It also tolerates dry air well.  This slow-growing, exotic houseplant can grow up to 6 feet tall indoors; you can control its height by simply cutting off the top.


As an air purifier, the pothos ranked highly because it can remove formaldehyde.  As a hanging plant, you can add it to your kitchen or living room as the leaves will cascade down.  A temperature of 65 degrees Fahrenheit and low lighting conditions are ideal for the growth of pothos.

Rubber Plant

You can grow rubber plants or rubber trees indoors very easily, and they have the benefit of cleaning the air.  In low to bright light conditions, but not in direct sunlight, they thrive.  Repotting of this natural air purifier usually is not required because it prefers to stay potbound.  Rubber plants don’t like to move around a lot, sudden changes in temperature and light may cause them to drop some leaves.

Draceana Warneckii

They have larger leaves than their cousin, the red-leaved dracaena, and some varieties have striped leaves.  The easy-to-grow air cleaner grows indoors without direct sunlight and with little water.

Spider Plant

In addition to being decorative and easy to grow, spider plants also act as air purifiers.  If grown in low light conditions, spider plants may lose their variegation in their leaves. Spider plants thrive in medium to bright areas but no direct sunlight.

Palm Trees

There are many types of palms that can be grown in an indoor environment; Bamboo, Areca, and Parlor Palms are a few of the varieties that work well.  Planting palms is easy since they grow slowly and require little water and fertilizer.  A yellowish-green leaf may indicate too much sun on the palm. Palms do best in medium or bright areas.

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