Are Snake Plants Safe For Cats? The Shocking Truth! (2021)

The beauty of your home can be enhanced by having some plants. You need to think twice before you put a plant in your house if you have a pet, as some plants are dangerous for your pets, such as cats. Are there snake plants in your home? Do you want to know if this plant is safe? Here are some facts you need to know.

The Snake Plant Is Hazardous to Your Cat

The purpose of biting plants is usually to get more fiber and nutrients. Yet it is unclear which are bad and which are good plants. Therefore, it is possible for them to bite plants that are harmful to them. Therefore, if you have cats and want to have a plant in your house, you need to determine whether the plant is safe or not.

Are you familiar with snake plants? Can cats consume it? No, the answer is no. Snake plant, scientifically known as Sansevieria trifasciata, is toxic to cats. The saponins in this plant are toxic to cats and can cause vomiting, diarrhea, and nausea.

Like aloe vera, snake plants are mildly toxic to cats. Snake plants usually have mild effects on your cats. Snake plants contain a toxic substance. Where is it found? All parts of it contain the toxic substance. Consequently, you have to be vigilant in making sure your cats do not bite the plant when they are near it.

The level of toxins in snake plants is very low, so your pet is unlikely to be at risk. Toxins usually cause stomach upset as their only effect. As a result, your cats will not die from this plant. Nevertheless, you should be aware that it may be affected to the point that you may need to take your cat to the vet. Therefore, when your cat bites or eats a snake plant, it is best that you take it to the vet, moreover if your cat exhibits symptoms. Which symptoms do cats exhibit when they are poisoned by snake plants?

After consuming snake plants, your cat will usually show digestive system symptoms. Plants are indigestible for this reason. In cats, snake plant poison causes the following symptoms.

  • The feeling of nausea
  • Depression
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Pain in the abdomen
  • Appetite loss
  • Drooling excessively
  • Tissue organs such as the tongue, lips, and mouth swell.

When your cats or any other pets show the above symptoms or allergic reactions, you must take them to the vet right away. In addition to the symptoms above, you may also find plant materials in the mouth of your cat or bite marks on the leaves of your snake plant. You should also bring your cat’s medical history to the vet with you so that he or she can determine any complications which may occur due to the snake plant’s toxin.

What to Do If Your Cat Eats Snake Plants

In case your cat has consumed snake plant, you must prevent him from consuming similar plants in the future.

Your veterinarian will treat your cat by making sure that the plant matter is completely removed from your cat’s mouth before the veterinarian does any further treatment. A veterinarian may force your cat to vomit by giving it a teaspoon full of 3% hydrogen peroxide orally if it does not vomit. You must make sure that your cat drinks a lot of water during this time. Dehydration may occur as a result of diarrhea. Depending on your veterinarian’s instructions, you may need to take any additional steps to enhance your cat’s recovery. Kapectolin is the most recommended medicine for diarrhea prevention. The dose can range from 1 to 2 ml/kg 4 times a day.

As long as your cat recovers in a day or two, you don’t have to worry much about it. Snake plants rarely cause cats serious illness or death. As a result, you need to make sure that your cat is far away from your snake plant. It would be better for your cat if you did not have a snake plant.

Cats Can Eat These Plants

Although snake plants are dangerous for your cats, it does not mean all plants are dangerous. You can also find a few plants which are safe for your cats as listed below. As a result, you can have these plants and not worry about them being eaten by your cats.


Cats may be attracted to grass. Cats usually like grass, especially cat grass and lemongrass.


Your cats are safe to consume herbs. This is a good idea if you are planning on planting them. This herb is one of the best that you can plant because it is not only for cooking, but also your cat will enjoy it since it is a natural flea repellent.


Plants like this one act as stimulants for cats. Your cat will be able to get all the energy and good sensations from it.

Spider Plants

Your house will benefit from this plant. Your cat will enjoy this plant’s stimulant properties and stringy, bouncy leaves.

Other Dangerous Plants for Cats

There are other plants that are dangerous to cats besides snake plants. Therefore, you must be very careful when you decide to plant while you have pets such as cats. The following plants are also harmful to cats.

  • The autumn crocus (Colchicum autumnale)
  • Azaleas and Rhododendrons (Rhododendron spp. )
  • Cyclamen (Cyclamen spp.) or also known as Persian violet and sowbread
  • Narcissus including Daffodils or also called paper white, jonquil or Narcissus
  • Dieffenbachia
  • Kalanchoe
  • Lilies
  • Oleander
  • Sago Palm
  • Tulip and Hyacinth

I hope you find this helpful. Have a great time planting!

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