Are You Watering Your Snake Plants The Right Way? These Remarkable Tips Will Help You Answer (2021)

One of the most common plants is the snake plant. It has a lot to do with the fact that they are easy to maintain, especially compared to other indoor  plants. Since snake plants have fleshy leaves that hold a lot of water, they are known as succulent plants. Consequently, this plant may be the right option for you if you often forget to water your plants or go out of town frequently. But how often should snake plants be watered?

It is typical for snake plants to require watering every 10 to 14 days, or whenever the soil is completely dry. Weekly watering is sufficient during the summer months. You should water your plants every month or every two weeks during winter. Placement within your home can also affect how much water your snake plant requires.

Whether you’re wondering about the frequency of watering your snake plant or not, do not worry. We’ll discuss how often you should water your plant, what methods to use, and more in this guide. Keep reading to find out more.

How Often Should Snake Plants Be Watered?

Snake plants have a reputation for being easy to care for. They don’t need much maintenance, and they are able to survive without being watered for quite some time. In fact, overwatering is the main cause of an unhealthy snake plant. Also, snake plants should never have their leaves wet. You can simply use a spouted watering can to water it.

Plants located in areas with plenty of sun will usually require more water to remain hydrated. In a shady or lower temperature area, the plant typically requires less water to stay hydrated.

Winter causes the plant to overwater, which is harmful to the leaves (as we’ll see later). Snake plants are easy to overwater, so make sure your soil is  completely drained after each watering session.

Watering your plant more often may be necessary if it receives more sunlight than shade. Similarly, if your plant is in a larger pot (instead of a smaller one), it will typically  need more water, based on the soil volume.

An indirect sunlight environment is ideal for snake plants, as direct sunlight tends to burn their leaves.

How to Determine If Your Snake Plant is Adequately Hydrated

Here are some tips to help you create the perfect watering regimen for snake plants if you have just purchased one for the first time.

Getting Started

After watering your plant, you will notice that the topsoil has grown darker (either a dark brown or a blackish brown-depending on the type of topsoil you use). It’s also possible to notice that the soil seems to shine a bit after watering (for at least a few seconds).

You have provided the soil with more than enough water to soak up for now. You should be able to see water squeezing out of the soil when you press your finger on it.

Next, Follow the Second Step

Be sure to watch the change in color of the topsoil after you’ve watered your snake plant. In most cases, this can take up to two hours. After adding the water, you will notice that the soil no longer shines, but it still appears darker and drier than before. When you press down on the soil, you shouldn’t see any water rising to the surface.

Lastly, the Third Step

In 24 to 36 hours, you should notice that some areas of the soil are still dark black or brown, while others have lightened a bit. This is a positive sign. There should be no water sitting on top of the soil, and if you press your finger into the soil, it should feel moist.

A dry top of the soil indicates that you have not watered your plant adequately, and more water will be needed.

The Following Scenarios May Require More Hydration

There may be times when your plant consumes more water than it normally would, in which case it needs to be watered a little more frequently. As compared to other indoor plants, this is still a relatively small amount of water.

  • When the plant receives indirect sunlight and is actively growing
  • If your snake plant variety comes from wetlands or swamps
  • Plant leaves are abundant and growing rapidly
  • Due to low humidity or high temperatures, the home environment is dry
  • Thin leaves on a plant are a sign that the plant is aging

How Long Can a Snake Plant Survive Without Water?

As many as 6 weeks can pass without snake plants needing to be watered. The snake plant’s length will vary depending on the environment it is in, including factors such as the temperature, the amount of light, humidity, and type of snake plant. During the warmer months of the year, it’s best to keep your plant watered at least once a month so that it remains healthy.

Is It Possible to Overwater A Snake Plant?

Yes, absolutely. It is very easy to overwater snake plants since they do not need a lot of water. The roots of the plant will not be able to absorb oxygen if the soil becomes too saturated with water.

Furthermore, if water pools in the saucer of the pot, it can cause root rot on the plant. In addition, it could expose it to a number of bacterial and fungal infections. If you have watered your plants, be sure to empty out the saucers.

Snake Plant Soil Testing

Simply sticking your finger down in about 2 to 3 inches of your snake plant’s soil will allow you to gauge the moisture level. As an alternative, you can use a garden stake. Once you have done that, note the following:

Still Wet (Or Almost Damp)

If this is the case, the plant does not require water at this time. Take into account the environmental conditions in which your plant is located. Depending on these factors, the plant may need to be rewatered within a few days to another  week.

It’s More on the Dry Side, But Still a Bit Moist

You should wait to water the soil for another 2 to 3 days in this case, since the soil is on the dry side (but not completely dry). When watering snake plants, it’s better to delay watering  than to water them too soon.

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