The Best Facts About Snake Plant Laurentii: Everything You Should Know! (2021)

Snake plants come in many different types to suit your preferences. Snake plants have over 70 recognized subspecies. Snake Plant Laurentii is one of them. Typically, the ones you find at local greenhouses or online are the most common.

Snake Plant Laurentii Description

Known as the variegated snake plant, the snake plant laurentii also goes by the name snake plant laurentii. Snake plant laurentii plants require little maintenance. Despite neglect, they continue to grow beautifully. They possess fleshy deep greens with sharp points. They can form green flowers when raised outdoors. Additionally, orange berries are produced. When raised indoors, these flowers and fruits rarely appear.

Snake plants grow beautifully whether they are raised indoors or outdoors. Colorful and eye-catching, they make a wonderful centerpiece. Additionally, they can also be used as an accent to a room with a more white and gray contemporary design.

Known by its upright leaves with vibrant yellow edges, snake plant laurentii is a succulent plant that grows in the desert. Snake plants purify indoor air by removing toxins like formaldehyde, xylene, and toluene.

Snake Plant Laurentii Grows to What Height?

The snake plant laurentii offers constant color and beauty as well as being one of the easiest plants to maintain. This plant has often been called ‘the die-hard’ of all plants. Snake plants thrive both indoors and outdoors, and require little water. The amount of light they receive does not matter to them. Snake plants also possess the following characteristics:

  • Snake plant laurentii leaves can grow up to four feet tall.
  • Watering is generally done every two to six weeks.
  • For beginner gardeners, frequent travelers, or anyone who wants to have a living plant without the hard work, they are perfect.

How to Take Care of Snake Plant Laurentii

This beautiful snake plant laurentii is one of the most popular types of snake plants. Leaf margins are creamy-yellow and grey-green. Considering the plant is virtually indestructible, this is an excellent option for any situation. Snake plant laurentii stands out from the crowd with its tall, architectural presence and warm coloration.

The following information explains how to take care of snake plants:


Snake plant laurentii grows well in moderate to bright indirect light but can also tolerate low light levels.


It is possible to let the soil dry out before watering. After that, water thoroughly and let it drain freely. Make sure you do not allow the snake plant laurentii to sit in water since this can cause root rot.


In short periods of time, snake plant laurentii will thrive in temperatures between 15 and 23°C.


During the growing season, you should apply a weak dose of cactus or general-purpose feed at most once a month. It’s important to know that snake plants require little care. Supplemental feeding is not necessary for them.

Air Purifying

Toxins are filtered by the snake plant laurentii. Low-light houseplants are drought-tolerant and have air-purifying properties.

Height and Growth Rate

Snake plant laurentii reaches a maximum height of 75 to 100 cm. They grow slowly.


There is a slight toxicity to snake plant laurentii, if eaten. Therefore, you should keep children and animals away from snake plant.

Instructions for Planting

Snake plants are likely to thrive in any lighting condition. Snake plants are as popular for their deeply shaded green leaves and height as for their hardiness. The lamp can be placed in situations ranging from very bright light to rooms without much sunlight.

Snake plants prefer temperatures between 70 and 90 degrees Fahrenheit, and will not tolerate temperatures below 50 degrees Fahrenheit or a drafty location. Plant snake plants outside in a garden, but keep them in a container to prevent them from spreading: The plant multiplies through underground runners, and they can easily become out of control.

Snake plants prefer to remain dry and are drought-resistant. They can be planted in soil that is loose and drains well. There is a lot of strength in the roots of snake plants. Therefore, you must place them in containers with strong walls or your pot will crack as the plant grows. Terra cotta pots are a good option, just so you know. Excess water can be absorbed by the pots.

In the sun, snake plants can grow quickly. It is a good idea to repot it or divide it every year. Repotting your plants requires fresh potting soil, and you don’t want to bury them too deeply. Choose a container with drainage holes at the bottom.

Nutrients and Water

Snake plants cannot tolerate being overwatered. The soil will develop root rot if it is too wet. Before watering, you will need to stick your finger into the soil four inches deep to ensure there is no moisture present.

Keeping a snake plant in bright light will require more frequent watering than one in a darker room. It is generally recommended that snake plants are watered every two weeks at most. It is also possible to find snake plants that can survive without water for more than six weeks. Snake plants require less water during the winter. With the right fertilizer for cacti, snake plants will thrive. Only fertilize snake plants during the growing season. To use a slow-release fertilizer, dilute it to half strength.

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