Best Varieties Of Snake Plant; Most Popular Squad! (2021)

A new plant parent or busy person is usually scared of killing their plants through neglect or a lack of knowledge about a particular species, as they fear the worst. There are so many best varieties of snake plant you can choose. Snake plant varieties are durable, making them excellent options for indoor gardens.

It is a resistant and resilient plant that thrives on neglect. This plant is real, and it is collectively known as Snake Plant or Mother in Law’s Tongue.

Best Varieties of Snake Plant

Here are the best varieties of snake plant and the most popular snake plant you need to know

Snake Plant Compacta (Sansevieria trifasciata ‘Compacta’)

The first one best varieties of snake plant is snake plant compacta It is also known as Dwarf Snake Plant, a hearty plant that can perform well in low light or artificial light.

Its evergreen foliage with yellow margins makes it a wonderful air purifier plant, according to the NASA Clean Air Study. Place it in a spot with bright, indirect light and avoid repotting it in large pots as it prefers to live in clumps. The product is also suitable for both homes and offices.

Golden Snake Plant (Sansevieria Laurentii Superba)

Originally from Brazil, this snake plant variety has dark green lance-shaped leaves with yellow marginal bands.

Vipers’s Bowstring Hemp thrives in warmer temperatures and indirect sunlight but can survive and grow well indoors, making it a good choice for indoor gardens.

Also, its roots are robust, allowing it to thrive in nearly any soil, making it a hard-to-kill house plant.

Father in Law Tongue (Sansevieria Aubrytiana)

Also known as Father in Law tongue, this is one of the prettiest Snake plant varieties. Its pale-green foliage has dried, reddish margins, making it a stunning addition to an indoor garden.

Silver Birds’ Nest (Sansevieria Tifasciata ‘Silver Hahnii’)

A compact dwarf snake plant with silver leaves that are similar to metallic mint green. It is also known as Banded Bird Nest and its leaves grow in a rosette. This type can become larger than other ‘Hahnii’ types.

Make sure it gets enough sunlight and is in a warm place. When left in a low-light environment for an extended period of time, the silvery marking will begin to fade.

Mother in Law Tongue (Sansevieria Trifasciata)

The most common Snake plant variety on this list is Sansevieria Trifasciata. Known also as mother-in-law’s tongue, this plant is popular worldwide due to its unique blade-shaped leaves and upright nature.

Variegated Snake Plant (Sansevieria Trifasciata ‘Laurentii’)

A drought-tolerant, air-purifying plant with beautiful blade-like leaves, this plant is also considered good luck and hardy.

Many pollutions like toluene, formaldehyde, trichloroethylene, and benzene are removed from the air. This is one of the best snake plant varieties you can grow inside without having to worry about its maintenance if you want fresh air inside your home.

Spear Orchid (Sansevieria Cylindrica v. Patula ‘Boncel’)

It is commonly known as the Cylindrical Snake Plant. It is almost foolproof, as it can survive even if ignored for a long period of time.

Snake plants are excellent for first-time plant parents and people with hectic schedules. In bright or shady areas, they can grow to 12 to 24 inches tall.

Mason’s Congo Snake Plants (Sansevieria Masoniana)

It has glaucous leaves that are up to four feet wide and has semi-succulent characteristics.

The Mason’s Congo will grow slowly at first, but as it gains momentum, it will break free from its plastic container. Besides its impressive presence, it also changes the ambiance of a room.

Twisted Sister Snake Plant (Sansevieria trifasciata ‘Twisted sister’)

It has stunning green and yellow foliage with twists at its base that give it its unique appearance.

The plant can grow as long as 15 inches, so it can be used on a table or office desk.

Robusta Snake Plant (Sansevieria Robusta)

Originally from India, this plant is part of Sansevieria’s genus and goes by the name Robusta Snake Plant or Robusta Mother in Law Tongue.

The sword-like leaves of this snake plant variety have both dark and light green patches and lines on the horizontal leaf surface.

In many ways, the leaves look like they are overlapping. Also, it grows up to 16-30 inches in height and is perfect for indoors due to its resistance to neglect.

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