Bird’s Nest Snake Plant Care – A Superb Guide! (2021)

With glossy funnel-shaped leaves, the bird’s nest snake plant is an attractive compact succulent.There are gray and green patterns dotted throughout the mostly dark green leaves. A rosette of leaves forms at the top of the plant.This snake plant is not only attractive, but also easy to care for, making it a good choice for indoors.

Bird’s Nest Snake Plant Care

This plant has minimal care requirements, making it an ideal choice for beginners. Even when the basic care requirements may not be met, the foliage adapts to various environmental conditions, allowing it to survive.Therefore, these beautiful succulents are also suitable for people with little time to take care of plants.

What Do You Need to Take Care of the Bird’s Nest Snake Plant?

A succulent is low maintenance, but some maintenance is required to keep it strong and healthy. This type of snake plant can also live longer if it is provided with these basic needs.

LightIing Requirements

There should be at least six hours of light per day for this snake plant, but it will enjoy more if it is given more light. It is better to have bright, filtered light. The leaves may fade at lower light levels, but it will tolerate lower levels of light if necessary. The leaves develop a richer color under brighter light.

Temperature Requirements

Bird’s nest snake plants thrive best between 15-23 degrees Celsius (59-74 degrees Fahrenheit). For short periods of time, succulents can live in temperatures as low as 10 degrees Celsius (50 degrees Fahrenheit). If the caregiver’s plant is exposed to these colder temperatures, it will revive once brought back into the heat, provided that it did not remain in the cold for too long.

Humidity Requirements

The optimal humidity level for succulents is between 40-50%. If the air is dry, a humidifier can be used or a fine mist can be sprayed around the foliage.


Foliage that has been planted should be well-watered. Afterwards, water can be added when the soil feels dry, especially if the sun is shining. It is crucial that these succulents are not overwatered to prevent the development of diseases and insects.

Soil Requirements

It is best to use a well-draining soil that contains sand, gravel, or volcanic rock. Potting mix made specifically for cactus plants works well as well. Depending on the application, sand or gravel can be added to this product.


Unlike other snake plants, bird’s nest snake plants do not require a lot of fertilizer. Once a month, water the plants with well-balanced plant food. It was a way to dilute the fertilizer by watering. It is not recommended to use full-strength plant food. Normally, cacti require weak plant food. If one is available, you can use it instead.

Additional Tips For A Bird’s Nest Snake Plant

Taking care of these plants is fairly straightforward. However, it is always helpful to know other details of maintaining a healthy succulent, whether it pertains to dealing with pests, illnesses, pruning, or anything else.

Pests and Diseases

When grown in the right conditions, bird’s nest snake plants do not often succumb to many insects or illnesses.Having said that, it is always better to know what to watch out for if something does crop up. Those are the most common issues that this species of snake plant faces.

  • The Mealybug: A segmented insect that prefers to live where there is moisture. The plant may have problems with these pests if it is overwatered. Commonly found on the underside of leaves, they can also be found nearer the soil on the stem. Their white cotton-like residue can sometimes be seen before the insects themselves. Yellow leaves or leaf drop can be caused by mealybugs. Individual insects can be killed by applying rubbing alcohol to them. Neem oil, insecticides, and insecticidal soap can also help, as can neem oil and other natural treatments. Plants with damaged leaves and stems should be removed.
  • Spider mites: Spider mites look like small, red, white, or black spiders. Despite being very small, they can still be seen when inspecting the leaves and stems. On the foliage, they leave a dust-like web. Although insecticides can be used to control infestations, damaged areas such as yellow or brown leaves still need to be removed.
  • Aphids: These pests are typically reddish-orange and black. Their feeding activity causes leaves and stems to yellow and drop, like other pests. Treatments and preventative measures such as neem oil and water/dish soap mixtures are available to treat infestations.
  • Root/Crown Rot: Fungal issues are usually caused by overwatering. Symptoms of root rot include blackening and softening of the stem. There is also a discoloration associated with crown rot. Both of these conditions can lead to yellowed leaves and soft stems. Fungal problems can be treated by removing damaged areas. Repotting requires a fresh potting mixture and a well-draining pot in most cases. It may be necessary to use a fungicide.


As the bird’s nest snake plant grows slowly, it can be pruned on any given day, but spring and summer are the ideal times. During these two seasons, it grows most vigorously.To complete pruning, use sharp, sterilized pruners or scissors, cut leaves off at the soil level. Previously damaged or mature leaves must be removed before new leaves can grow.Since this plant species suffers from stress when pruned, it is best to improve its health before pruning if the succulent is unhealthy. Depending on the lack of sunlight, drainage, or other factors, this process may take place.


Bird’s nest snake plants can be propagated easily. Plants that spread by rhizomes that run just above or below the soil surface spread this plant.Caretakers need to poke the bottom part of a leaf cutting into the potting mix. Eventually, it will produce roots and grow.To get the most out of repotting these succulents, the root ball can be divided. You can plant each division into a fresh pot to produce a new succulent.


A mild to moderate amount of toxicity can be derived from eating snake plants. Children and pets should be kept away from them.

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