Care and Growing Sansevieria Trifasciata: A Remarkable Guide You Must Know! (2021)

Snake plants make great houseplants because they look great and aren’t difficult to grow. 

St. George’s Sword is also known as this plant, which is native to West Africa. You will learn everything you need to know about growing and caring for these plants in this article.

Growing & Caring for Snake Plants

Lighting Requirement

For your plant to thrive and stay healthy, you will need to provide it with a steady stream of indirect sunlight. It would be best to keep this plant in a semi-shady location if you are going to grow it outside. 

Leaf damage is a common problem with this plant when it is exposed to too much sunlight. When kept in full shade, these plants can even thrive.


It is a good idea to water your plant only when the soil around it has become somewhat dry. During the winter months, you’ll only need to water it about once a month. In these plants, overwatering causes rapid root rot, which is the leading cause of death.


Since they are native to West Africa, they prefer tropical climates. Sunlight and high humidity are the perfect conditions for this plant to thrive.


This plant should be kept in a well-drained potting mix to keep it as healthy as possible. Sandy soil can also be used, so that is an option to consider. One alternative that will work very well is to use a cactus potting soil that is multipurpose.


Snake plants prefer a temperature range between 60 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit during the day and 55 to 70 degrees at night. As these plants originate from a tropical region of the world, they don’t tolerate very cold temperatures well.


Make sure that the container you choose for repotting your snake plant is made of a durable material. Plant roots have been known to crack flimsier containers.

The plants do not require repotting very often, but if yours is outgrowing its pot you might need to do so. Ideally, you should do this in spring with a container one size larger. Don’t forget to add fresh potting mix as well.

Growth Rate

Snake plants grow fairly quickly when they receive six hours of direct sunlight each day. These plants tend to grow the fastest when placed in full sunlight.

Height and Spread

Snake plants typically grow from one to three feet tall, but they can reach a height of eight feet. The spread of these plants can vary from six inches to three feet.


Although snake plants do not bloom very often, they can sometimes produce flowers. These plants can sometimes produce buds on the stalks of their flowers. Overall, the green and white flowers look pretty unique and beautiful.


You should cut off any dying leaves on your snake plant as soon as you notice them. You need to be very careful when doing this to avoid damaging nearby healthy leaves.

You can grow new leaves from the leaves you trim from this plant. Besides diseased leaves, you’ll also want to trim those that are too long. Your snake plant will look its best if you do this.

Snake Plants Can Be Poisonous?

Snake plants are poisonous, so keep that in mind. Although adults must consume a lot of this plant for it to be life-threatening, children and pets do not have to consume as much. 

If you have pets, children, or small children, then you should be very careful about keeping it in or around your home. A toxic reaction can result in nausea, vomiting, lack of appetite, and swelling of the tongue and/or throat.

Common Snake Plant Diseases

Snake plants are especially susceptible to root rot. Some of the leaves of the plant may become brown or yellow if root rot becomes a problem. Plants with rotted leaves should be removed immediately, and a new pot should be used.

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