You Can Clean Your Air With These Super Hardy Indoor Plants (2021)

Despite the official start of winter being months away, colder temperatures are already driving many of us indoors. We usually think of the air outside as contaminated (especially if we live near a busy highway or urban area), but the air inside our homes may also be contaminated.

What causes the air in our homes to be polluted? A variety of factors influence the outcome. In addition to smoking, fuel-burning appliances are other potential sources. Others, such as mold and mildew, household chemicals, garage exhaust, and off-gassing from new furniture and remodels, are overlooked. Air fresheners used during the holidays may even cause indoor air pollution.

Do people have any options for filtration of the air indoors? Buy some plants (or five)! In accordance with NASA research, potted plants can significantly improve your home’s air quality. Some of these plants may be adorning your indoor spaces already if you are a gardener. If not, you can purchase a few from your local plant nursery or box store, or even online. Your space will be cheered up and you’ll be able to breathe easier.

These Houseplants Will Improve Your Indoor Air Quality!

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera may be small, but it has been proven to eliminate formaldehyde from the air, as well as have beneficial healing properties. You can tear some leaves off when you need to soothe and moisturize irritated or sunburned skin. It requires little maintenance and only periodic watering.

Peace Lily

One more low-maintenance plant that enjoys bright, indirect sunlight is the peace lily. Benzene, a carcinogenic chemical found in several household cleaning products, is removed from the air by this machine. Furthermore, it is also capable of removing mold spores, alcohols, acetone, and formaldehyde from the air around it. Put one in your bathroom and one in your kitchen to combat these humid environments.

Spider Plant 

Several studies have shown that spider plants can reduce formaldehyde and carbon monoxide levels in the air. A generous supply of water and bright, indirect sunlight is relatively low-maintenance requirements. These plants are known for their long lifespans. Most likely, they’ll be happiest hanging near a window in your living room, office, or bedroom. Spider plants send out shoots that can be cut and transplanted into other pots.

Snake Plant

Snake plant, sometimes called Mother-in-Law’s Tongue, is an almost indestructible plant that absorbs nitrogen oxides and formaldehyde from the air. Snake plants thrive in low light and only require irregular watering, making them an ideal plant for people who think they kill everything. You won’t need to water this plant very often during the winter, so it’s easy to remember to do so.

Golden Pothos 

This low-maintenance trailing plant removes formaldehyde and carbon dioxide from the air. Hang it in a high place, either from the ceiling or from a high shelf, and enjoy its air-cleaning power.

Ficus Trees 

The Ficus tree can reach a height of 10 feet, so it is an excellent floor plant. Not only do they remove toxins from the air, but they also increase its oxygen content. In spite of their preference for bright sunlight, they are relatively shade-tolerant.

English Ivy 

When grown outdoors, English ivy has earned a reputation as an invasive plant. When contained in a pot indoors, the plant removes benzene and formaldehyde from the air. It’s perfect for people who suffer from indoor allergies or asthma.


Formaldehyde and other toxins are removed from the air by philodendrons, and they are easy to grow. You may want to avoid them if you have curious children and pets in your home, as they are considered poisonous.

Garden Mums 

Benzene, trichloroethylene, formaldehyde, and ammonia are removed from the air by garden mums. Provide them with partial sunlight and a lot of water, and they’ll work hard to clean your air.

Boston Fern 

In part due to its ability to remove benzene and xylene from the air, the Boston fern is regarded as one of the best air-purifying plants. The product also acts as a natural humidifier. Although it thrives in bright sunlight, it is adaptable and can thrive in low light as well. Depending on the time of year, you may need to mist its leaves daily.

Bamboo Palm 

Bamboo palms are another natural humidifier that removes toxins from the air. The plants can get very tall (up to 12 feet), so be sure you place them in an area where they will have room to grow.

Moth orchids 

The moth orchids also add color to your home and remove volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and formaldehyde from the air. It’s important to give these plants a bit of extra care – they thrive in sunlight, but not direct sunlight. Although they need plenty of water, it’s important for them to dry out between waterings.

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