Use Diatomaceous Earth To Kill Aphids In The Different Way! (2021)

Why Do Aphids Should Be Killed?

In the plant world, aphids are vampires. But, there’s a method to kill them by diatomaceous earth. Since they take the sap from your plants and leave honeydew as a waste product. Finding an aphid infestation on a plant is a severe concern. To avoid further problems, you should fix the issue as soon as possible. This is when diatomaceous earth enters the picture.

Why Aphids Are Toxic?

Aphid honeydew causes black soot and other potentially serious consequences. Although aphids do not destroy your plants, they do cause other issues. Aphids are attracted to diseased plants. They frequently bring in other pests, such as ants, that use aphids as a source of food. Now, let’s dive in deeper!

What Is Diatomaceous Earth?

Diatomaceous earth (sometimes called diatomite or DE) is a mined natural substance. DE that has been approved for use in food is safe to use around children and pets. Diatomaceous earth is a sedimentary rock that can be found near streams. The fossilized remains of diatoms – microscopic creatures rich in silica – can be found in this rock. Food-grade diatomaceous earth, which breaks into a fine powder, is the ideal form. Larger animals are not harmed by this organic pest management. Diatomaceous earth, on the other hand, is lethal to insects, arachnids, and other small garden pests.

How Does It Work?

The secret to how diatomaceous earth works isn’t as mysterious as it may appear. Larger animals will not be harmed by the diatom shells in the powdered rock because they are too small. However, the shells are large enough to harm soft-bodied insects. The sharp edges of the diatoms lacerate the waxy coating on a crawling insect’s exoskeleton when it comes into touch with the powder. Moisture escapes the insect’s body as a result of the lacerations. The pests become dehydrated and die as a result.


This is the awful news. Beneficial insects such as ladybugs and pollinators will also be killed by DE. When using Diatomaceous Earth, keep this in mind. Avoid putting DE on monarch butterfly larvae-attracting blooms or garden plants. The caterpillars could be killed with diatomaceous earth.

How To Apply

Begin by spraying DE on the soil surrounding your plants that have been harmed. When used for aphid control, the DE provides a barrier against ants and other insects. Although goggles or a face mask are not required, they can assist keep dust out of your eyes and nose. To kill the aphids that have already infested the plants, you can spray or dust DE on them. There are a variety of dusters available. Even an old cosmetic brush can suffice. Dust the leaves and stems, as well as any other exposed parts of the plant, lightly. After each rain, the dust returns. A powder sprayer may be preferable because aphids like to feed on the underside of leaves.

More About

These enable you to apply DE puffs to the plant from nearly any angle. Diatomaceous Earth isn’t a poison that kills you right away. When dealing with a significant infestation, you’ll need to be patient. Once the aphid population starts to decline, DE will have a more obvious effect.

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