Snake Plants: Easy-To-Care-For Succulents And Perfect Plants For Home Decor (2021)

Are you here because you are interested in snake plants as one of the easy-to-care-for succulents? The ease of care makes snake plants among the most common and popular indoor plants. It is estimated that there are more than 70 species of snake plants. These plants all originated in tropical and subtropical areas across Europe, Africa, and Asia. One of the most common types of plants is Sansevieria trifasciata, also called mother-in-law’s tongue because of its long, pointed leaves.

There are varieties of snake plants that are only 8 inches high, while others grow up to 12 feet high. You can usually identify this plant by the long, green leaves that are pointed and upright, sometimes with yellow edges. You can find some varieties of snake plants that are less common if you’re looking for something a little different. You can find varieties with dark green leaves that are striped and form with red-tinged leaves. Leaves on some species are narrow and striped with white.

How To Get One?

It is not difficult to grow snake plants. In case you decide to buy one from the store, check to make sure that it’s healthy. It should be dark green in color. When snake plants have pale leaves, they’ve not been properly cared for. As soon as you bring your snake plant home from the store, it’s recommended to move it into a larger pot. To prevent roots from showing through the soil, the pot should be large enough. 

You can also grow a snake plant for leaf cuttings if you want. Fill the pot with fresh soil. Even though the process is relatively easy, you have to be careful not to overwater the cuttings since they can easily rot. However, the easiest method, besides purchasing a snake plant, is to divide it. Taking this approach, you can separate the fleshy rhizomes from the roots and transfer them into another pot. This means that you can remove the fleshy rhizomes produced by the roots and then transfer them to a separate pot.

Where To Place Them?

They can grow outdoors, but snake plants are generally regarded as indoor decorations. Although this plant is one of the easy-to-care-for succulents,  please note that this plant is succulent which means that it retains a considerable amount of water in its leaves.

For snake plants to thrive, they need indirect sunlight, so they would grow best next to north, east, or west-facing windows. Plants will grow faster if you give them more light. The ideal condition is partial shade, however, snake plants can be grown in full sunlight as well. Avoid overwatering snake plants. Their leaves retain water, so they need watering only every two or three weeks. Provide them with more water during summer and less water during winter.

Keep the roots and leaves cool by watering at room temperature. Also, don’t water the plants in the afternoon when it’s very hot outside. It’s important not to overwater plants, since too much water causes them to rot. Your snake plants can benefit from fertilizer that can be dissolved in water. However, you should not use food plant during the winter or fall. This should be done in the spring and summer.

Can I Put Them In My Bedroom?

Although snake plants are highly versatile and can thrive in a variety of environments, some believe the best place for them is the bedroom. This is not because they get more light in there, but rather they purify the air at night with oxygen and filters toxins. These qualities make them ideal for bedrooms. With their striking leaves and lively colors, these plants not only keep the air clean, but also look beautiful.

Having a snake plant around the house or inside your home has many benefits. It is now time to select a species that you like and to bring it home. Some people say that having six to eight snake plants per person is recommended to maintain good oxygen levels and filter the air. Thus, if you were looking for more than one, you seemed quite inspired. Snake plants make excellent houseplants and can be placed in several places. Place one in the mudroom by the bench or on the hallway entrance, for instance. Your guests will be greeted with fresh air and fresh decor.

Combining a snake plant with succulents is a good idea. Perhaps you can create a nice green corner in the room and arrange some cacti, as well as some aloe plants. Create a striking display by mixing and matching stylish pots. Depending on how big the snake plant grows, you may need to move it to a larger pot. To stay healthy, it requires space for the roots to grow. Getting bigger pots will allow you to place more emphasis on their shape, design, and color.

I think the perfect place to place a snake plant in the bedroom would be on a nightstand. The lamp should be placed near a window during the day so the lamp is exposed to enough light for best results. It would also be nice to have a snake plant on your desk. Choosing a species that does not grow large might be the better choice so you don’t overwhelm it. There is nothing better than having a small plant by the lamp on the desk.

Other Places

Also, snake plants are good for decorating or serving as centerpieces. The dining table or living room can look beautiful with one or two of them. You can raise them on a table or put a few books under them to make them more noticeable.

Aside from being one of the easy-to-care-for succulents, snake plants can be used to add some color to a room that is predominantly neutral or white. This dark plant will add balance to the décor with its dark green color. Adding snake plants as a divider would be an excellent idea, depending on the décor and layout. Alternatively, it could resemble a long, narrow, and tall planter.

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