Amazing and Superb Guide to Grow New Snake Plant! (2021)

Are you just start grow new snake plant or want to grow one? what is snake plant actually. One of the most popular and resilient houseplants is the Spruce / Alonda Baird Sansevieria trifasciata (also known as snake plant or mother-in-tongue), law’s It has stiff leaves that vary in height from 6 inches to 8 feet depending on the cultivar. Snake plants come in a variety of colors, but most have green banded leaves with a yellow border.

These plants are easy to cultivate and practically indestructible, thriving in both brilliant light and nearly dark corners of the house. In indoor light, they develop slowly, but a few hours of direct morning sun will speed up their growth. If you need to repot, do so in the spring.

How To Grow New Snake Plant

Snake plants have been shown to boost health and well-being. They were first cultivated and preserved as prized houseplants in China, where it was believed that those who nurtured the plant received the blessings of the eight gods (long life, prosperity, intelligence, beauty, art, poetry, health, and strength). NASA chose sansevieria for a research on how plants might be used for air purification and to treat “sick building syndrome” in 1989. Snake plant has been shown to remove formaldehyde and benzene from the air in experiments conducted by the University of Georgia and Yonsei University.


The snake plant is forgiving but prefers indirect light with some direct sunlight. Their adaptability to full sun will allow them to survive conditions of complete darkness as well.


A loose, well-drained potting mix is ideal for Sansevieria plants. In sandier soils, this plant thrives. Choose a peat-free potting medium that will ultimately pack and refuse to rehydrate or drain properly. A nice option is an all-purpose cactus potting soil.


Between waterings, allow the soil to dry out. Reduce watering to once a month during the winter, or whenever the soil feels dry to the touch. Under-watering is preferable to over-watering, as too much water might harm the plant.

Temperature and Humidity

Temperatures below 50 degrees Fahrenheit are detrimental to Sansevieria, which prefers warm conditions. Protect the plant from drafts by placing it in a room with good ventilation. 70 degrees to 90 degrees is ideal.


During the growing season, feed the plants with cactus fertilizers or a balanced liquid slow-release fertilizer (10-10-10) diluted to half strength. Fertilize your plants in the winter only.

Potting and Repotting Snake Plant

Strong roots can quickly shatter and destroy flimsy pots, so use a durable material when potting. Sansevierias are sluggish growers who rarely require repotting, but if given enough sunlight, they can grow quickly and require repotting or dividing once a year. In the spring, repot these plants. Always use new potting soil when repotting. To back up the information in our stories, The Spruce exclusively uses high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies. Learn more about how we fact-check and maintain our material accurate, reliable, and trustworthy by reading our editorial process.

Growth Rate

The Sansevieria grows slowly to moderately. Plants reproduce by sending up underground stems called rhizomes.

If natural light is stronger, they will grow faster, and if it is weaker, they will grow slower.

Reasons to Love Sansevierias

Because they take in pollutants and release oxygen, Sansevierias are one of the greatest plants for air cleansing. Because they release it at night, they’re ideal for the bedroom. However, don’t expect a single plant to purify your entire bedroom – only the air around it.

They’re considered lucky plants, most likely due to their cleansing properties.

Snake plants come in a broad variety of sizes, shapes, colors, and patterns. Mine range in height from 10 inches to 5 feet. There’s something to suit every style!

Snake Plants are excellent office plants since they can withstand dry air better than most houseplants and require less maintenance.

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