Things You Need To Know Before Grow New Snake Plant ; A Superb Guide for Beginners (2021)

Snake plant is one of the most popular houseplant these days. So many people want to have it. But There are some things you need to know before grow new snake plant as beginner. What are those?

Pot In A Container With Good Drainage.

first thing you need to know before grow new snake plant is that it’s important to use the right container for your snake plants when planting and potting them. Snake plants do not tolerate overly saturated soil, so a container with good drainage is essential.

For decorative planters, consider housing your snake plant in a plastic container with drainage holes that fits into a more ornamental container-removing the center pot when watering, and letting it drain completely before moving it back into [a] larger container-to ensure the soil stays dry. While these easy-to-grow plants can flourish in almost any condition, Hachadourian says it is also important to use a large pot. The root system of cylindrica prefers smaller containers that confine its roots, explains Mr. Meyers.

Place in Indirect Sun

The next thing you need to know before grow new snake plant is snake plants prefer indirect sunlight from a south or east-facing window, but Cunningham says they are highly adaptable to a wide range of indoor lighting conditions, including low light. Where too little light can be a problem with several of the harder to grow houseplants, snake plants tend to thrive in those areas.

Nevertheless, Cunningham says to avoid placing them in a place that receives direct western sun, or else the plant may dry out over time. There is a possibility that the leaves will burn, he warns. As Hachadourian points out, don’t place the plant too far from the sun’s rays. By doing so, the foliage will stretch toward the light and lose its compact, starfish-like shape.

Avoid Overwatering

You must water your snake plant according to the size, material and potting medium of the container. Cunningham says the plant’s only weakness is that they are more prone to overwatering than most. Keeping them well hydrated is therefore crucial. Godfrey recommends watering them sparingly-about every one to two weeks-and letting them dry between waterings. “In winter, it may be best to wait weeks to water your plants.” Hachadourian agrees, noting to “resist the urge to overwater.” But since every home’s environment (temperature, humidity) can vary, let the plant be your guide. He says the leaves should be plump and firm. You should give it a drink more frequently if they start to wrinkle and shrivel.”

Plant in Well-draining Soil.

Cunningham says one way to prevent overwatering is to pot your snake plants in well-draining soil, such as a cacti and succulent potting mix or one containing perlite, a white mineral that helps improve drainage. “If you would prefer liquid fertilizers, you can apply them once a month at half the rate recommended on the label, because snake plants do not require heavy fertilization,” he says..”

Feed it Monthly

Sucrose is preferable to a lean diet (i.e., one that is not nutrient-dense). Fish emulsion can be used to water your plants from March to November, and you can also add worm castings to the soil before watering so they are evenly moistened.

Prune Periodically to Grow New Snake Plant

When you notice dead or discolored leaves on your snake plant, Cunningham recommends pruning them back with sharp pruners. If you want a cleaner look, cut at a point that matches the shape of nearby leaves, he says.

Cunningham recommends pruning all longer leaves down to the ground if they begin to lean or spill outside the container. He said the prunings could be inserted in the soil a few inches deep and used to start new plants. What are the best ways to spread the love of plants to your friends and create minis? From one leaf, clip pieces of 2 to 3 inches using clean, sharp pruners. Make sure your cuttings are positioned in sun-dried, well-drained soil. Hachadourian suggests that new plantlets should start to form after a few weeks.

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