How Does an Underwater Snake Plant Look? Discover the Signs and Superb Solutions! (2021)

Due to its forgiving nature, Snake plants are becoming a more popular option for beginners.

You can recognize them by their dark green, arrow-shaped leaves which can reach a height of eight feet.

The Snake plant has been shown to be ideal for cleaning the air of harmful toxins.

As a result, according to the Chinese’s feng shui, they bring good fortune.

Snake plants are relatively easy to grow and maintain, but slowly lose their leaves when underwatered.

You better keep reading if you’re curious what it looks like under water.

How Does an Underwater Snake Plant Look?

When a snake plant is submerged, it turns brown and begins to wither. Roots start to become damaged due to the soil becoming extremely dry. As the leaves curl, they develop a wrinkly texture before falling off. Snake plants will stop growing if underwatering continues.

Signs of Underwatering in Snake Plants

Snake Plants are more susceptible to overwatering than underwatering. The plant’s gradual appearance change is one of the first signs.

In addition to curling in many directions, leaves will also fall to the ground and develop a wrinkled texture.

Brown spots may form on the edges and cracks may begin soon after. Lack of moisture results in a browning of the entire plant. It is possible that the roots have been damaged at this stage.

Snake Plants in drought conditions will feel their soil becoming drier than normal. Eventually, the plant will stop growing and its remaining leaves will fall off. If you follow the appropriate steps, you can save an underwatered Snake Plant.

Underwatering Factors

Snake Plants underwatered by incorrect watering practices are caused by incorrect watering practices. Plants have difficulty getting proper nutrients because of this. Having said that, there are a few additional factors that may be contributing to the symptoms.

Pot Size

For proper growth, it’s crucial to use the right size and type of pot. Snake plants are slow-growing plants, so choose a pot that’s one to two inches larger than your plant. As an example, if the pot is 8 inches in diameter, the plant should measure 6 inches in diameter. As a result, the roots can grow freely without being constrained. Clay or terracotta pots are ideal for snake plants since they allow the plant to dry out fully between waterings. 

The Soil Used

The soil also plays an important role in ensuring that snake plants remain healthy. In order to grow this plant properly, the perfect potting mix should drain well and be low in peat. There is no better soil to use for African violets than an all-purpose cactus potting soil.


A snake plant will also benefit from light that it receives. The plants are resilient under most conditions, but they prefer indirect and steady light. 

How to Save an Underwatered Snake Plant

Repot the Snake Plant

Snake plants that have been submerged underwater need to be repotted. Snake Plants need to be grown in the right container. 

Take your plant’s measurement and pick a pot that is at least one to two inches larger than it. A pot that’s too small can cause root rot, whereas a pot that’s too big can restrict the roots. 

As a result, clay pots and terracotta pots are best because of their porous structures. As a result, moisture and air can move through them easily, preventing any waterlogging. 

Keep plastic containers to a minimum.

Furthermore, you should use a pot with drainage holes on the bottom. 

After repotting, however, avoid watering the snake plant. This could result in the plant developing overwatering symptoms due to new potting soil bags being moist. 

Snake plants grow well in soil made for cacti or succulents.

Properly Water Your Snake Plants

Watering your snake plant properly is crucial to its recovery from an underwater situation. Neither over- or underwatering should be allowed to occur. Touching the soil about two inches deep will tell you whether your snake plant needs water. You should skip watering if it’s still moist

.In order to avoid overwatering, the soil must feel completely dry before the next watering. To prevent underwatering, it is recommended that you check the soil once a week.

It is generally recommended that snake plants are watered every two to four weeks. Check the soil continuously to ensure it is not getting too saturated or too hot. This will vary depending on the humidity and temperature it lives in. If you lift the pot and examine the color of the soil, you can also tell how moist the soil is. It is most likely drying out if the plant feels lighter than normal. When the soil becomes drier, its color will lighten as well.

Creating the Ideal Growing Environment

Creating the ideal growth environment is the last step in rescuing a snake plant that has been submerged. Light, temperature, and humidity must be sufficient for the plant. The plant will burn and dry out faster if it is left in direct sunlight. The leaves will turn brown and crack as a result. Plants love steady and indirect light, so place them where there will be plenty of it. Ensure that the plants receive even lighting throughout the year by following a rotation schedule.

Temperatures of 70 to 90 degrees Fahrenheit are the best for snake plants. Symptoms of underwatering can be exacerbated by extreme temperatures. Therefore, keeping the temperature within this range will prevent the plant from drying out or freezing. Avoid placing snake plants near windows or doors if the area you live in experiences extreme temperature changes.

As with snake plants, snake plants thrive in humid environments. The snake plant dries out rapidly in dry environments. Make sure the plant is regularly misted, that a humidifier is running, and that other plants are around it to prevent low humidity.

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