Snake Plants Care 101: How Often To water Snake Plant In Summer? (2021)

How often to water snake plant in summer? Typically, snake plant varieties like to be watered every 10 to 14 days, or once they have dried out completely. In the summer, you should water your plants weekly. The plant should also be watered monthly during the winter months.

How You Water Matters!

It may surprise you to learn that incorrect watering is a major factor behind snake plant diseases. Therefore, it is crucial that you determine how often to water your snake plant. The fact that you are visiting this page is proof that you are putting so much concern about the watering issue, and that’s great!

Here are examples of incorrect watering:

Overwatering: Snake plants are damaged by irrigation frequencies selected incorrectly and by the amount of water used during single irrigations. Having overwatered plants can cause root rot.

Underwatering: Not enough water causes the soil for the snake plant container to dry out. Without water, plants are unable to grow normally.

When To Water Snake Plant

It would be ideal if there was one simple rule for when and how to water your Snake Plant, and life would be sweet and simple. Oh, if only it were so. In order to determine when and when not to water your plant, we need to examine a number of factors.

Checking the potting soil is the best way to determine when to water your snake plant. Dig your finger up to two knuckles into the soil. Using a pencil or stick instead of your finger if you do not want it to get dirty. When the soil is dry below two inches from the top layer of the snake plant, it’s time to water it. Snake plants can survive more than a month without water, but can not be overwatered at the same time. This will cause the roots to rot, resulting in your snake plant dying. As a starting point, let’s consider the factors that determine when Snake Plants need water.


In the spring, your plant will start to grow as it awakens from its dormant period. As a consequence, it will require more water at this stage than it would normally need over the course of the year. How often to water snake plant in summer?  In the summer, the plant will start to slow down that sudden burst of energy, but it will still need water regularly. Once autumn arrives, growth will slow even more; come winter, watering will become unnecessary.

The plants are cultivated for their sharp, sword-like foliage, but occasionally they will bloom. A short stalk may occasionally appear in the spring which will bear cream-colored, sweet-smelling flowers. After the flowering period is over, you can cut the stem with secateurs at its base. Plants need energy to produce flowers, so you may have to water more frequently during this time.


The ideal temperature range for Snake Plants is 55° – 85° F (13 – 30°C). It shows how tough the plants are that they are tolerant of such a broad range of conditions. If the temperature drops below 50° F (10°C), they will start to become unhappy. If the temperature rises, your plant will need to be watered more frequently.

Humidity Levels

Temperature and humidity are often linked. The Snake Plant will begin to suffer if the environment surrounding it becomes too dry. However, because these are desert plants, if the atmosphere becomes too humid, they are at risk for diseases such as mold. Due to the robust nature of the plant, this should not pose a problem under normal conditions. Problems can arise when you are using central heating or air conditioning. In both cases, the air is drier and the humidity is higher. When your plants are being watered correctly, they will be able to deal with lower humidity levels than they would normally need.

Sum Up

How often to water snake plant in summer? Typically, snake plant varieties like to be watered every 10 to 14 days, or once they have dried out completely. In the summer, you should water your plants weekly. However, you should also consider other factors that may affect the watering schedule. 

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