How To Get Snake Plant Bloom! Amazing Tips 2021

Sansevieria can flower, did you know that? In fact, Snake Plants, also known as Mother-in-Law’s tongue, do flower and have been reclassified into the Dracaena genus. Yes, Snake Plant Bloom. While it is very rare indoors, we have been fortunate enough to witness it and capture it with my camera. We will share our experience with you, and we will explain when and why Sansevierias bloom.

How To Get Snake Plant Bloom

Generally, the only thing that makes a plant bloom is  enough light. The reason most of these plants fail to bloom is probably due to their abuse and their placement in dark corners. Furthermore, if you provide enough light (which includes direct sunlight indoors), a little neglect can go a long way. It is important to keep your plants somewhat pot-bound so that they will bloom when they are mildly stressed. This includes letting your potting mix dry out completely between watering sessions.

As with many snake plants, your snake plant may be languishing in a dark corner. Dark-corner-dwelling plants, they are known for their low light requirements. Though they can “survive” in these corners for quite some time, their condition is slowly declining and they eventually perish. Alternatively, if you place your snake plant in full sunlight, such as a south or west window, it will thrive and bloom.

Pot in Container With Good Drainage

The type of container you use when planting and potting snake plants is critical. Cunningham says snake plants cannot tolerate oversaturated soil, so a container with good drainage is essential. Decorative pots are a perfect choice for housing the snake plant; remove the center pot when you water, and allow it to drain completely before returning it to a larger container-to ensure the soil stays  dry.”

As Hachadourian points out, the size of the container matters, too: While these no-fuss plants can thrive in a variety of conditions, S. cylindrica and its cultivars grow best in containers that slightly constrain their roots.

Avoid Overwatering

Snake plants require regular watering depending on the size, material, and potting medium of the container. If these plants have a shortcoming, it’s that they are susceptible to overwatering, so make sure you don’t give them too much water at any given time.” Cunningham says. Consequently, Godfrey suggests getting adequate amounts of water every one to two weeks and letting the plants dry in between.

“In winter, it may be best to delay watering for weeks or even months.” Hachadourian agrees, saying “never overwater plants.”. Since every home is unique (in temperature and humidity), let the plant be your guide. “The  leaves should be plump and firm,” he says. “If they start to look wrinkled  and shriveled, give it a drink more frequently.”

Diets that are lean (instead of nutrient-dense) are preferred by succulents. The growing season is from March through November, so feed them organic fertilizer: Add fish emulsion to your watering can, or sprinkle worm castings on top of the soil and incorporate them gently before watering.

Plant in Well Drained Soil

As a preventive measure, Cunningham says snake plants should be potted in well-draining soils, such as cacti and succulent potting mixes, or mixes containing perlite, a  product that improves drainage. The recommendation is to apply liquid fertilizers once a month at a rate of half the label’s recommended rate, because snake plants don’t need heavy fertilization. Generally, I recommend applying granular slow release fertilizer to  the top of the potting soil once in early spring and again in late summer,  but they can certainly get by with a whole lot less.

Snake Plant Bloom Sum Up

Not many people know its is posibble to see snake plant bloom. To make snake plant bloom you need good light, well drained soil and don overwatering.

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