Amazing Tips To Pick Snake Plant Correctly! (2021)

It may be difficult to decide which snake plant will be the best one for your home when you decide to shop for the snake plant. In any case, pick snake plant with good growth is the first thing that you should do. You shouldn’t expect your snake plant to grow well if you get a bad one.

When sorting snake plants at the florist, there are a number of special characteristics that allow them to grow well. In order to avoid purchasing the wrong plant, it is important to choose very carefully when shopping for snake plants.

This page will show you everything you need to know about choosing a snake plant to bring into your home. We will show you how to choose a snake plant correctly at a florist in this post. Here is a quick survey to see how you feel!

Here’s a Guide to Pick Snake Plant!

When you go to the florist to shop for snake plants, you may be confused about which one to get. However, most florists will argue that snake plants will grow well in any environment. There are a few florists who will not explain in depth the disadvantages of the snake plants you choose because they may want to sell the plants even though there are some minuses.

Therefore, you ought to know the characteristics that make snake plants reliable plant for your house. Snake plants that grow well tend to have certain characteristics.

Look carefully to the leaves

When you pick snake plant looking at snake plant leaves is one of them. Dark green leaves of snake plants are a good choice if you see them. Therefore, the snake plants with dark green leaves are the best choice. That’s because the dark green indicates that the plant is healthy and in good condition.

Otherwise, you should avoid pick snake plants with pale leaves because weakening snake plants are more likely to have pale leaves.

Check the pot

Ensure your snake plant’s leaves are healthy by checking the leaves and repotting it if needs be. If you’ve never used a terracotta pot or a porous potting mix, it’s highly recommended for your plant to do so.

To sum up, you should choose a dark green snake plant leaf which will grow well at your home if you purchase it from the florist.

Choosing Best Soil for Snake Plants

After you pick snake plant you also need to choose best soil for snake plant. The soil must be well-draining for snake plants as well as any other houseplant. Free-draining soil is ideal for these plants since they are easily susceptible to rot. Root rot can occur in snake plants when they don’t have enough water. Not soil itself, but soilless potting mixture works best for snake plants.

It is best to use a soilless potting mix to ensure adequate drainage. Terracotta pots must not be allowed to collect water, and standing water must be emptied right away.

An entire potting mix is composed of many ingredients, including perlite, vermiculite, bark, peat moss, and sand or bark. Peat moss may be substituted with coconut coir in some cases. Unlike most other ingredients in potting mixes, peat moss expires after a few years.

Use soilless potting mix only for the first two to three years of your snake plant’s life as it won’t benefit it at all after that point. You can also make African violet soil mixture if you do not have any soilless potting soil. But you only need builder’s sand or perlite (two parts) and garden soil (one part) as well as peat moss (one part) for this.

Peat moss and perlite are not in the African violet soil mixture. No, the answer is no. Perlite is a type of volcanic glass that is derived from obsidian, the source of the potting mix. The compacted soil will, however, be kept away from your snake plant. Water will be trapped in compacted soil, and that’s good.

The amazing thing about peat moss, in this case, is that it can hold a lot more water than it weighs dry, meaning your snake plants won’t become overwatered. Although you can use a different soil mix for your snake plants, the African violet soil mix still works just as well.

Tips for Watering, Lighting and Fertilizing

Almost forgetting about your snake plants will maximize their growth. If you are watering in winter, be careful not to overwater your plants. As a result, watering the leaves should also be done in a way that avoids getting them wet.

Though snake plants can tolerate a variety of light conditions, it’s recommended that you place them in indirect light. It is in fact able to cope with full sun, indirect light, and even low light.

They will have more success in shady corners in low-light areas of the house where they will grow better if they are in direct sunlight and indirect light. You can also keep a snake plant in a warm spot that is above 50°F (10°C). Placing snake plants in drafty windows during winter is the best way to protect them.

You can fertilize during the growing season with an all-purpose plant food. It is important not to overfertilize the plants. It’s because some planters fertilize only once per year and keep doing it over and over again.

When your snake plant is dormant, you shouldn’t fertilize it. It is also possible to fertilize them with a weak dose of 10:10:10 or 20:20:20 fertilization. After the excess fertilizer is flushed out, wait a month before fertilizing them again.

Some things you need to know about snake plants, including choosing the right snake plant, selecting the best soil, watering, fertilizing, and even lighting snake plant. 

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