Know The Perfect Sansevieria, Reasons You Should Have! (2021)

Looking Match Sansevieria?

Discover the many various types of snake plants and decide which one perfect sansevieria to you! The snake plant, also known as mother-in-tongue Law’s or sansevieria, is a popular indoor plant recognized for its resilience, adaptability, and air-purifying abilities.

List Of The Perfect Sansevieria

Snake plants (genus sansevieria) come in a variety of colors and can be used as houseplants. Sansevieria variations, often known as viper’s bowstring hemp or mother in law’s tongue, are fantastic houseplants that complement your home design. Let’s breakdown the perfect sansevieria!

Sansevieria Laurentii

Sansevieria laurentii is proof that not all snake plants are made equal. This variety of snake plant type was named not just one of the finest air-purifying plants among snake plants in general, but also among houseplants in general, in a NASA study. This snake plant stands out from the crowd with its vivid yellow borders and green leaves.

Moonlight Sansevieria

The moonlight sansevieria is one of perfect sansevieria types, with its distinctive sage green foliage. This plant is generally shorter (2-3 feet tall), but it is sturdier and more robust than its cousins of comparable shape and size.

Sansevieria Trifasciata

The sanseveria trifasciata is a magnificent, structural snake plant that can live with little to no light and occasional neglect, similar to the Laurentii but without the yellow leaves.

Golden Hahnii

We suggest the perfect sansevieria variety for small size is this. The ‘golden hahnii,’ commonly known as the bird’s nest sansevieria, is a dwarf sansevieria cultivar. Green and light green striped stripes flow horizontally over the large tapering leaves of this snake plant species. As the leaves become larger, they cluster together and form leafy funnels. You can see a rosette pattern in the shape of the golden hahnii if you look at it from above.

Sansevieria Cylindrica

The sanseviera cylindrica (also known as African Spear) develops robust cylindrical spears from its base, as its name suggests. This snake plant variety, which is sometimes braided and sometimes in the shape of a star (sanseviera cylindrica starfish), requires very little maintenance to survive.

Sansevieria Ehrenbergii

When immature, the fleshy leaves grow in thick clusters and have a blue hue. The leaves of the sansevieria turn a dark green to gray-green tint as they mature, and they may have a bright red line along their wavy margins.

Sansevieria Patens

The sansevieria patens is one of the most beautiful and perfect sansevieria available. The cylindrical fleshy leaves that grow in a rosette form distinguish this type of sansevieria plant. The leaves can grow to be three feet long (90 cm). The leaves begin to arch in different ways as they grow. This gives the plant the appearance of a swarm of writhing snakes. The snake plant’s color changes from dark green to a bluish-green tone as it matures. Place the sansevieria in a well-lit area away from direct sunlight to get the greatest color on the leaves. The sansevieria patens, like most snake plants, can take some neglect.

Sansevieria Parva

The ‘Kenya Hyacinth,’ a lovely sansevieria parva variation with light-green thin leaves with darker markings, is also known as the ‘Kenya Hyacinth.’ These snake-like leaves form a rosette pattern on the succulent, giving it a spiky appearance. Each clump contains between 6 and 12 leaves that grow to reach around 16” (40 cm) long.

Wrap It All

Sansevieria plants are easy to care for, which is one of the best reasons to have a couple at home. Indeed, some people believe that succulents are the type of plants that grow when they are neglected. Choose your perfect sansevieria and don’t forget to keep them happy as your consequences!

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