5 Superb Amazing Fact About Sansevieria Black Robusta: Guides and Care 2021

What is a Snake Plant?

What Is Snake Plant Black Robusta is?

A common houseplant, the Sansevieria trifasciata is native to Asia and Africa.

It can be recognized by its evergreen sword-shaped leaves that grow upright, and almost resemble artificial foliage.

Snake plants are often used as home decor, as they’re pleasing to the eye, easy to care for, and require little water to survive.

These plants are considered to be relatively safe, but they’re mildly toxic if consumed.

Their leaves contain a poison that can cause swelling and numbness on the tongue if eaten in large doses.

It’s wise to keep this plant away from children and animals that are prone to nibble.

The most common snake plant foliage presents as slender, green leaves with grey or silver horizontal streaks.

This plant can grow several feet tall, and does well in low-light areas.

There are a wide variety of these plants. A few of the more common include: 

  • Bird’s nest snake plant. Also referred to as the Hahnii, this plant is relatively small, growing to only 6 inches tall. The leaves form clusters that closely resemble a cup, similar to a bird’s nest.
  • Cylinder snake plant. The Sansevieria cylindrica has round leaves that can grow several feet in length. The leaves from this plant reach outward to resemble a crown.
  • Sansevieria latifolia Laurentii Laurentii is another well-known snake plant, distinguished by its green core and yellow edges. Perhaps the most common reason individuals incorporate snake plants into their decor is that they are low maintenance and require little attention to flourish.

They are tough, sturdy plants that thrive in dry settings, both indoors and outdoors.

If you’re considering bringing a snake plant into your home, keep the following points in mind:

  • Keep the soil moist, but not soggy. This plant’s flaw is an excess of water. To avoid rotting, keep a snake plant in a well-drained container. Allow the soil to dry completely before watering.
  • The best light comes from an indirect source. For snake plants, partial sunlight is ideal. It can, however, grow in darker corners or brighter window areas. If the plant is entirely shaded, the foliage will turn drab and droopy. Snake plants have been demonstrated to be as functional as they are attractive. They thrive in both indoors and outside environments and require little to no upkeep.

Additionally, snake plants can aid in air purification, which can help keep you safe and healthy.

Consider incorporating a snake plant into your house for aesthetic and health benefits.

Here we have the story from Alex about having snake plant black robusta for the very first time!

Let us hear Alex’s story down here…

I have always been a very cautious person, but this time I decided to take my chances.

My friend asked me if I wanted to try the new black robusta snake plant he got from his cousin…

who imports plants from Africa and sells them in Canada.

I thought about it for a while and finally agreed to have it.

The next day coming, my friend having comes to my house and bringing this beautiful snake plant.

Yes it’s the snake plant black robusta.

It have dark colour and feels like having sharp shape in every inch of it’s leaves.

I feel like having “love at the first sight” moment.

From now on, never have I ever, leave my sight from this plant.

black robusta
credit: https://www.carousell.sg/p/sansevieria-black-robusta-snake-plant-1026077292/

As the plant has grown, the leaves have been plaited together. Six of the fleshy leaves have been used to create this plait, you can also find more complex and larger designs although they will obviously cost more

Tom Knight, main content writer for Ourhouseplants 

Here’s the main things that you should know!

Why Choose This Plant? Is It Worth It?

Well, this plant is one of the famous houseplants that you will ever have.

Recognizable and easy to care! Isnt that great? The snake plant is native to Africa’s tropical western region….

…from Nigeria to Congo, where she goes by the scientific name Sansevieria trifasciata.

However, she goes by a variety of other names. She is most recognized as “snake plant”…

…or “mother-in-law’s tongue” because of the shape and the sharpness of her leaves.

In Brazil, they call her “Espada de São Jorge,” because she is associated with the sword of Saint George…

…and in Japan, they call her “Tiger’s tail”.

Like all famous people, the snake plant suffered criticism. She was associated with bad luck.

This is just a rumor. In fact, the plant was cherished in ancient times…

…and was believed to bring good luck in several countries.

In China, people who possessed this plant were subject to receiving eight virtue gifts from the Eight Gods…

…which includes Prosperity, Beauty, Long Life, Intelligence, Health, Art, Strength, and Poetry.

This plant will attract positive energy and good luck to your home…

…giving you a feeling of well-being and a feeling of security.

Black Robusta 2
credit: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/houseplants/snake-plant/snake-plant-care.htm

Next up!

Sansevieria Trifasciata Black Robusta

Black Robusta Sansevieria Trifasciata is a drought-tolerant plant with long…

…broad leaves commonly confused with Sansevieria Black Coral.

Because of its adaptability and tolerance, it is a low light plant that makes it ideal for offices.

Its broad leaves remove toxins and carbon dioxide, while producing oxygen, to help purify the air in the room.

Some people do not realize that snake plants are mildly toxic to cats or dogs if ingested.

A good practice to keep your pet safe from poisonous plants is to offer him some weed.

With that, he will not need to ingest other plants.

The Sansevieria Trifasciata Black Robusta flower is commonly known as sansevieria black robusta…

…snake plant, robusta snake plant, mother’s tongue, African spear, and magic sword.

Black Robusta 3
credit: https://www.epicgardening.com/snake-plant-mother-in-laws-tongue/

Go on…

Sansevieria Black Robusta Care

How much light does a Sansevieria Black Robusta need?

The Snake Plant has become popular because it can grow in low light conditions…

…despite typically preferring bright light, and they are tough plants that can survive almost everywhere.

It is also great for an office environment, since they are hardy, tough plant

Black Robusta 4
credit: https://pikaplant.com/en/the-plant-keep/indoor-plants-and-natural-light/?v=989173909475

Keep reading…

How to water a Sansevieria Black Robusta?

It is indigenous to arid deserts and thrives in sandier soils.

Snake Plants rot easily, so make sure the soil is well-drained and don’t over-water them (particularly in winter).

Keep the soil dry between waterings and don’t let the sansevieria sit in water for too long.

To determine when the soil is completely dry, I like to stick a stick into the soil to see if it feels dry or not.

Black Robusta 5
credit: https://gardenerideas.com/grow-snake-plant/

Here’s the thing!

What’s the ideal humidity for a Sansevieria Black Robusta?

Sansevieria Black Robusta does well in average room humidity however don’t be afraid to increase it if you want, it’ll love it.

How to fertilize a Sansevieria Black Robusta?

Although Sansevieria Trifasciata Black Robusta doesn’t require much fertilizer…

….they will grow more if you fertilize them regularly throughout the growing season.

Use a simple at-home fertilizer, or apply it every few weeks or waterings.

Last but not least

Sansevieria Black Robust Care Tips

  • Place your Sansevieria in bright light and feed it during the summer season to maximize its growth.
  • Dust can be removed from leaves by wiping them with a damp cloth.
  • Please make sure most of the soil in your snake plant has dried out completely before watering.
  • Sansevieria is one of the best air purifying plants, not too far from your bedroom or living room.
  • Use snake plants as decoration in your office.

Sum Up

See having Snake plant is good choice for you to have! It’s cool, its famous, it’s easy to have and care!

What else do you need? In this pandemic time like this, is a good choice for you to have an new activity…

…and having snake plant is a good choice for you to have!


Last thing for sure. This plant need to be care carefully, remember plant need the “love” too.

Alright that’s all for today! Do you have any questions about all of this?

Or do you want to add some plant that have a good properties like snake plant?

Let me know your recommendation from the comment below.

I hope you can now take care your snake carefully and grow it big!

Thanks for reading this article! Bye!

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