Keep Them Hydrated, Should We Mist A Snake Plant? (2021)

Mist A Snake Plant?

Do they need additional water so we are going to mist a snake plant? If you have indoor houseplants, you are probably aware of the habit of spraying the leaves to keep them from drying out. Snake plants are one of the simplest plants to grow and care for. 

So, It’s Necessary?

Snake plants are desert plants that thrive in hot, humid environments. Having said that, mist a snake plant is generally not suggested. Misting the leaves of the snake plant can cause them to get overwatered, which can lead to a variety of health problems. Because they acquire their moisture from the humidity in their environment, their leaves are used to keeping dry. Let’s break it one by one.

Reasons Why Don’t Mist A Snake Plant!

There is no need to mist a snake plant leaves as long as the relative humidity in your house or outside garden is around 40%. If the relative humidity in your home and garden has dropped to 28-30%, instead of misting the leaves directly, you can simply install a humidifier. It’s critical to pay close attention to the watering schedule you set up for your snake plant. Water the soil only, never the foliage, when watering the plant. Water can be especially damaging to the foliage.

What Will Happen If I Keep Mist A Snake Plant Frequently?

If the leaves are overwatered after being sprayed with water, they may turn yellow or mushy at the base. If this occurs, the damaged leaves must be removed or cut off at the root. The last thing you want is for your snake plant to develop root rot as a result of misting and overwatering.

What Is Root Rot?

Root rot is a common plant disease that occurs when a plant receives an excessive amount of moisture or water. Strong roots transport nutrients to the plant’s foliage and branches in a healthy root system. Root rot causes a plant’s roots to become wet and shriveled, decreasing the plant’s capacity to transfer nutrients around. Other fungal and bacterial problems might arise fast as a result of root rot. If the snake plant is unable to absorb nutrients, it will eventually die. Less is more when it comes to watering snake plants. So, learn about the watering guides below!

How To Watering Properly

Avoid to mist a snake plant but the solution way is you must watering them in the right way!

  • These plants don’t need to be watered more than once a week.
  • Always take a brief soil test before giving your snake plant another watering session to ensure that it gets the right amount of water.
  • To do the test, simply stick your finger approximately an inch into the topsoil to evaluate its moisture content.
  • Allow the soil to dry for a few minutes before watering again.
  • During the winter, you should only water your snake plant once a month, as this is the best time for it.

Remember This

Before you water it, better to try these steps:

  • Start by touching the topsoil to make sure it’s dry or slightly moist, but not humid! If it’s damp, wait a week before testing it again.
  • Fill your watering can halfway with distilled or spring water and pour it into the soil, making sure to cover all of the soil’s surface area. You’ll want to go all the way around the plant’s base.
  • Stop adding water once you see the water rising about an inch above the topsoil.
  • Allow the soil 30 minutes to an hour to absorb all of the water before draining the remaining water from the plant saucer.

This is a critical step because you never want the roots to sit in standing water.


That’s all! Hope this post has answered all of your questions about whether or not to mist a snake plant to keep them hydrated and the answer is DON’T! Remember that these plants almost thrive on neglect, and a weekly watering is typically best.

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