Know These Amazing Steps To Rid Of Bugs Naturally! Save Your Snake Plant Now! (2021)

Does Bugs Harmful To Snake Plants?

When you see bugs on your houseplants, it’s always a disappointment, and thinking about how to get rid of bugs naturally. The lovely plants you’ve been caring for are in danger, and you’ll need to act swiftly to save them. The good news is that there are several natural ways to get rid of houseplant bugs. This article will teach you everything you need to know about houseplant pests, as well as the most effective techniques to get rid of them without resorting to dangerous chemicals. We recommend you get rid of bugs naturally!

How To Get Rid Of Bugs Naturally

Indoor plants are just as susceptible to bugs and pests as outside plants. In fact, indoor plants can contain more bugs than outdoor ones. One reason for this is because your indoor plants lack the assistance of insects like ladybugs to help control bug infestations.

Baby Shampoo Bug Spray

Some pests, such as aphids and whiteflies, respond favorably to a spray produced with baby shampoo. In a 4-ounce spray bottle, put 1 tablespoon of baby shampoo. Fill the container with water all the way to the top. Spray diseased houseplants with the spray every two days. Rinse the plant with clear water using another spray bottle after spraying and waiting 4 hours. The idea here is to treat and get rid of the pests by spraying them for a few hours. This spray will not work on plants with bristly leaves or leaves that have a wax coating.

Use DIY Bug Spray

These homemade bug sprays are safe to use on a wide range of houseplants. They’re a lot better option than employing chemical pest sprays in your home because they’re safe to utilize. Do a test on the leaves of any houseplant before using one of these sprays to see how it reacts. Allow two to three days for the process to complete. If the plant appears to be “happy” after this period, go ahead and spray the entire plant. Another advice for using natural bug sprays is to keep the plant out of direct sunshine and hot areas after spraying. The sun’s heat, along with the spray, might cause the leaves to burn.

Cooking Oil Pest Spray

A spray produced with cooking oil is an efficient way to control aphids, spider mites, thrips, scale, and whiteflies. You may use any oil you have in your kitchen, including olive, canola, or sunflower. Combine 1 cup of oil and 1 tablespoon of mild dish soap in a mixing bowl. When not in use, pour into a sealed container and store in a dark spot. To use, fill a spray bottle halfway with water and 4 teaspoons of the oil mixture. After misting the infected plant once, wait a few days before repeating the process.

Herbal Water Spray

Herbs with a strong aroma can help keep spider mites, aphids, and other pests away from your houseplants. Use one or a mixture of the following fresh herbs: basil, peppermint, lavender, sage, and rosemary. My personal favorite is a blend of peppermint and rosemary.

Little Tips

Pour the water into a spray bottle and discard the herbs. To the water, add a quarter teaspoon of mild dish soap. Before using, give it a good shake to combine everything. Then, once a day, spray the entire plant with the herbal spray. When not in use, keep the spray container in a cold, dark place. Break the herbs apart and crush them until you have around 12 cup total. Place the crushed herbs in a lidded container. Fill the jar with 3 cups of water and close it. Allow at least 24 hours for steeping.


Choosing plants that are naturally resistant to pests is one approach to avoid bugs on your houseplants. It’s worth noting, though, that several of these plants are poisonous to small children and pets. One of them is snake plant. Now you know , how to get rid of bugs naturally with those steps. Hopefully it works!

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