The Snake Plant: How To Care For It

Although snake plants are among the easiest, lowest-maintenance plants on the market today, we have some tips for you to follow to maximize your snake plant’s health!

Snake plants are becoming increasingly common in homes. Being added to the kitchen, bedroom, and even bathroom, they are selling out at check-out counters and even off of online sellers. The snake plant is often treated like a succulent, which leads many people to believe it isn’t worth caring for. 

I’ll show you everything you need to know to keep your plant in prime condition. Let’s get started!

Because of this, snake plants generally require less water than other plants, just as succulents do. If you want to place them, it’s better to place them near a bunch of windows around your kitchen table than in your bedroom or bathroom, neither of which need to be on a sill.

So, let’s get started by discussing some of the basics of Sansevieria trifasciata care! First get your coffee!

What is a snake plant?

In areas with a tropical climate, such as Florida and Hawaii, the snake plant also grows naturally, due to favorable conditions. Named after Sansevieria trifasciata, it is also commonly known as mother-in-law’s tongue, and there are many different types.

Thin, flat leaves are found on snake plants, and they vary in size from three inches wide to ten inches tall. You might grow one to two feet tall if you provide the right conditions.

 A Sansevieria patens or Sansevieria cylindrica can also have leaves with more cylindrical shapes. The leaves of these species can be as thick as half an inch at the base and up to eight inches tall!

There are several other colors that snake plants can have. Some snake plants are green with green tiger stripes going horizontally across the leaves; others are yellow with green tiger stripes; and still others are yellow with green tiger stripes. Feel free to choose from many different colors, so don’t limit yourself to one or two!

Check out the pin below with lots of snake plants!

Snake Plant Care

Proper Pot Size and Drainage

The snake plant needs a proper sized pot, so make sure the pot is larger than necessary to give it room to grow. Depending on how big the plant gets, you may need to repot it in the future.

There should also be adequate drainage. Some ideas for pots may not work out well, such as using a glass container that was once a candle. So, remember to either make your own drainage system or buy a pot that has proper drainage.

Is it a good idea to light it up?

There’s a bit of a debate about how much light snake plants need. As a low-light plant, it’s great in areas with little direct sunlight such as bathrooms and kitchens.

However, Sansevieria trifasciata requires some light and, if you want it to thrive, places with high light are great for it to grow like crazy!

Putting it on your window sill, or near a large window is a good option. With higher light conditions, it will thrive. However, if it is put in a less bright place, it will need more watering. Keep plants indoors in hot climates: if you keep them outside on a deck or porch , you may have to water them more often than if you live in a more temperate climate. Or, keep them on the porch or deck.

Plants under low light conditions appear to die or wilt, so it’s important to switch between lighting scenarios. 

Don’t Overwater Your Plant!

Even though snake plants can sometimes appear to have leaves, they are actually succulents. Some people use a spray bottle. They will only need minimal amounts of water.

You should water your plant when the soil is dry. Feel the dirt with your finger, and if it’s dry or crumbles easily, you should water your plant.

Good Soil, Good Life!

Your snake plant needs good soil or potting mix in order to survive. Plants generally come with tags explaining what kind of soil is used. Fertilizer may come with the plants, but we’ll talk about that in a minute.

You can usually find the best type of soil mixture for African violets by buying an African violet soil mix or making your own. It is recommended to mix two parts sand with one part garden soil; the sand is needed to assist with drainage! 

There are times when it’s hard to find the exact soil you need in stores, or the soil is usually sold in high quantities. Try investing in making your own soil for your plants instead, which may be a cheaper option in the long run!

In the spring and summer months, once a month is the ideal frequency for fertilizing your snake plant. Since plants grow slower in colder months, fertilization during winter months is not usually necessary. However, you could fertilize it once during the winter months if you wish. Just keep in mind that most people abstain during the winter, and will see lots of growth if fertilized in spring and summer!

Next, let’s jump into some fast-paced questions and answers (Q&A)!

How often do you water a snake plant?

Each 2-3 days is fine. You can also touch the soil, and if it is dry or crumbly, water your snake plant. If your snake plant is larger, you may have to water it more often.

Are snake plants easy to take care of?

You can kill them if you don’t give them sunlight every day and water them every 2-3 days. Snake plants may live many years if given the best care. Remember to change the soil, water it on time and regularly, and let it get plenty of sun.

Why is my snake plant dying?

It may be because you are overwatering the plant or it doesn’t have enough sunlight. Try moving it outside, or even to another room in your house – no matter where it is! Try changing out the soil and start over!

Do all snake plants clean the air?

Besides producing lots of oxygen, plants can also absorb harmful toxins such as formaldehyde, xylene, benzene, and toluene. As a general rule, plants with bigger leaves or more surface area are better at this. 

Should I mist my snake plant?

This is completely up to you! Some people would rather use this method to combat over watering. You can use this method and spray it every day with mist, or add a cup of water every 2-3 days.

How do you know if your snake plant is overwatered?

Plants with discoloured roots are a sure sign of overwatering . The solution is pretty straightforward: repotted in fresh soil, prune any mushy leaves, and watch how much water you give your plant.

Do snake plants need sunlight?

The amount of sunlight your plant receives for its survival and growth may differ. When looking to increase the size, lots of sunlight is the best solution for you. Plants kept in a bathroom or bedroom with minimal light will likely not grow much. Just remember that the amount of sun exposure directly correlates to how much water the plant will need.


There are still many recent and interesting articles about Snake Plants.. well as other unique information from All Things Gardener..

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