Snake Plants Surprising Facts: What Is The Width Of Snake Plant Leaf? (2021)

What is the width of snake plant leaf? First, we will tell you why is it important to care about the width of the plant’s leaves. The first reason is our curiosity. But actually, there is another reason that is more important. There may even be health benefits to snake plants brought by their green leaves!

The plants were first cultivated and kept as treasured houseplants in China because it was believed that the eight gods bestowed their virtues upon those who grew the plants (long life, prosperity, intelligence, beauty, art, poetry, and health). In 1989, NASA chose sansevieria for a study on air purification and the “sick building syndrome.” According to studies run by the University of Georgia and Yonsei University, the snake plant can remove formaldehyde and benzene from the air.  These plants also produce oxygen even at nighttime! It means that more leaves equal to more oxygen and air purifiers at home. Snake plants vary in size, width, and height depending on what variety they are. 

Types Of Snake Plant

As have mentioned before, the width of snake plant leaf is affected by the type/ variety of the snake plant itself. If yours are stunted and have small leaves, then probably what you’ve gotten is the mini version! In Africa, Madagascar, and southern Asia, there are around 70 different species of snake plants. Originally, it was prized for its fiber, which was used to make ropes and baskets.

The following are examples of some interesting cultivars and species:

(Mother-in-law’s tongue) Sansevieria trifasciata is the most commonly used species for gardening, and is also known by its sharply pointed leaves. These plants seldom bloom, but one day you may discover they have long flower stalks covered with buds. This usually occurs when the plant is mildly stressed, but it won’t harm your plant. The fully opened white or cream flowers resemble lilies. They boast a pleasant scent that can fill a room, similar to lilies. There is however a possibility that pests will also be drawn to the scent.

This cultivar has twisted leaves, as its name suggests. Sansevieria ‘twist’ is a relatively low growing plant. It is produced with green and yellow variegated leaves. Flowering is erratic, and the plant ceases to produce new leaves after flowering. The plant grows to a height of 1 to 2 feet, and to about the same width. The Indian Sansevieria ‘robusta’ cultivar is an extremely rare and sought-after variety. Because of its robust nature and immunity to neglect, this plant has been nicknamed the “bulletproof plant.” It has shorter and wider leaves than the others in the genus, with the same pattern of horizontal leaf cross-banding. 

Snake Plants Dimensions & Drawings

Mother-in-law’s tongues, also known as snake plants, are densely packed evergreens with stiff, vertical leaves. A popular indoor houseplant due to its low-effort maintenance, high graphic appeal, and air purifying properties, snake plants are architecturally shaped. An indoor snake plant typically grows to a height of 2′-4′ (.6-1.2 m), though it is not uncommon to see snake plants grow to 6′-8′ (1.8-2.4 m). Some species have yellow-green banding on their leaves, while others have dark green leaves that are 2 to 2.5 inches wide (5 to 6 cm).

How To Grow A Snake Plant

Snake plant cuttings can easily be grown from seed. One thing you must keep in mind is that they are easily prone to rot, so make sure to use a drained soil. Usually, snake plants are propagated with leaf cuttings, but perhaps the easiest way is to divide them. Plants produce fleshy roots, which can be potted up by simply removing the roots and potting them. Again, these will need to be planted in a free-draining soil.

Snake Plant Care

Snake plants are easy to care for once they have been propagated. Put them in indirect sunlight and don’t overwater them, especially in the winter. The plants need some time between waterings, so let them dry out. You can use a little general purpose fertilizer if the plants are in a pot, but that’s about it.

Beginner gardeners should grow snake plants because they are nearly impossible to kill. In addition to being a great container plant, it does equally well in a group and on a tabletop display. Additionally, these plants are drought-resistant. Plants of this type are rarely found in garden centers as they grow slowly.

Snake plants can rot if they are overwatered, so take care not to overwater. Before watering again, make sure the soil is dry. When the weather is cold, the plants can go two months without water. The water regime should be changed every 3 to 4 weeks during warmer months. Warm weather is ideal for snake plants, while cold weather will cause them to suffer. Watering regime, light and food also have important roles for their health and the width of snake plant leaf.

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