11 Superb Tips and Reasons Have Houseplant: A Jade Plant 2021!

In the 1970s  jade was the quintessential houseplant and it was cultivated in hanging macramé planters.

Macramé is back today and the jade plants have luckily not vanished.

The explanation for this is that they are among the easiest houseplants to maintain, and who doesn’t like simple ones?

This article will show you how to grow jade plants.

Let’s hear Danny’s story about his experience having Jade as his Houseplant.

Let us heart the story…

I was in a pet store shopping for a new plant to bring home.

My mom always wanted me to have plants, around the house because she said they made it feel more alive…

..and her favorite color was green. I didn’t know much about them but I just had this feeling…

….that there was something special about this plant. It came with little…

…white flowers on top of its leaves too! It was so cute and lovely.

Maybe this is what its called love at the first sight. They were like little stars…

…blinking at me in the sunlight, as I walked by.

The tag read “Jade Plant” so I thought it might be .my lucky day! Without any further thought.

I bought it immediately bringing it back to my home and searching how to grow it properly.

A year laternow my jadeis bigger than I expected!

credit: https://www.gardendesign.com/succulents/jade-plant.html

Here’s the thing!

How To Grow Jade Plants

For good purpose these houseplants have been common for decades:

  • Indoors, grow in bright light.
  • Water when the soil’s top 1 to 2 inches are dry.
  • Remove any branches that are dead or shriveled.
  • Break off pieces of jade and place them in soil to form roots to make more jade plants.

Jade plants were absolutely everywhere in the 1970s, they were the quintessential houseplant…

…growing in hanging macramé planters.

Now macramé is hot again and thankfully, jade plants really never went away.

That’s because they are some of the easiest houseplants to grow and who doesn’t love easy?

Here’s what you need to know to have success growing jade plants as your houseplant.

Next Up!

How To Choose

Crassula ovata with its fleshy oval leaves is the easiest to find when looking for jade plants.

If you can find them there are some cultivars of this plant that are enjoyable to produce.

Spoon jade plants for example have leaves that resemble fingers and have spoons on the ends.

Go On!

Both jade plants sold as houseplants whether they have flat or finger-like leaves need the same level of treatment.

If you live anywhere, where you can buy jade plants in a garden center’s outdoor section…

…pay careful attention to the tags because they can need different treatment than those grown indoors.

Where To Rise and Care

If you’re going to grow jade plants as houseplants choose the brightest spot in the house.

They can also withstand intense sunlight coming in through the window is something many houseplants cannot do…

…without being sunburned.

Jade plants will survive if only a small amount of bright light is provided but they will not thrive.

Even, since jade plants like most tropical plants despite the cold keep them away from drafty windows and doors.

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credit: https://www.healthline.com/health/healthy-home-guide/benefits-of-indoor-plants

Here’s the Next!

It’s fine to grow jade plants in areas with insufficient light but they won’t thrive.

Jade plants like most tropical plants despite the cold so keep them away….

…from drafty windows and doors.

Keep Going…

Summer is a wonderful time to take your jade plant outside and enjoy it.

Shift the container outside to a safe location until night time temperatures reach at least 65 degrees F.

Allow the plant to become accustomed to being outside for a few days before relocating it to a location…

…with more sunshine as sunlight is more intense outside.


You’ll want to give your jade plant plenty of morning sun while shielding it from the hot afternoon sun.

When nighttime temperatures begin to drop again in the fall bring plants back inside.

Houseplant 3
credit: https://pottingplans.com/pots-for-jade-plants/

Select a Good Pot With Excellent Drainage

When selecting the ideal pot for a jade plant there are many factors to consider.

This plant can have dense woody stems and plump voluminous leaves for instance.

As new shoots and leaves emerge and stems thicken with development the plant can become top-heavy…

…after a while despite its slow growth.

Go on…

Additionally the plant cannot tolerate “wet feet” or water accumulated at the base of the pot…

…so it is extremely important to provide a pot with proper drainage…

…to prevent this condition which may lead to root rot.

For these reasons the jade plant does best in a pot that provides a wide sturdy base to support…

….the weight of the plant as it releases new stems and leaves over time and one that allows for maximum drainage.

Keep Going…

Given these factors a ceramic pot or a sturdy plastic pot with good drainage

…which keeps the soil and roots from getting too wet is the best home…

…for a jade plant.

Both types of pots can keep your plant happy and safe if you use a free draining combination.

Just slightly larger than the diameter of the plant the pot should be.

So, if your new plant is around 4 inches in diameter, a 5 inch pot will suffice for a year or two.

How To Plant Jade Plants

  1. Choose a container with at least one drainage hole and that is no more than 2 inches wider than your jade plant’s root ball. Jade plants don’t mind if they’re a little crowded
  2. Fill the container with soil and don’t forget to choose good pot which has good drainage and a little food to help your jade plant grow.
  3. Set the plant in the pot so that the top of the root ball is about an inch below the container’s bottom allowing for irrigation.
  4. Kindly pay attention to have more potting mix around the root ball  to fill in the gaps.
  5. Water your jade plant thoroughly and allow it to drain. Place a saucer under the pot and relocate the plant to its new home.
Houseplant 4
credit: https://www.amazevegegarden.com/how-to-save-a-dying-jade-plant/

Go On…

A good tip to remember is that if blisters appear on the leaves the plants are…

…getting too much water so reduce the frequency and amount of watering.

If you’ve put your jade plants outside for the summer, carry them inside or under the porch…

…if it’s going to rain for more than a couple of days in a row so they don’t get waterlogged.

Jade plants grow more slowly in the winter and do not need as much watering.

Next Up

Do I Have To Repot

Yes, indeed it’s always a little fun to get your hands dirty and it’s also good for your vine.

Repotting the plant also provides it with new potting soil.

Your plant will not only be able to maintain its current size but it will also have the ability to grow bigger.

Repotting doesn’t necessarily involves going up a pot size at first.

Repotting can include replacing old potting mix that has lost its nutritional value.

However your plant will ultimately need a larger container.

Keep Going…

How To Prune Jade Plants

Pruning jade plants is only necessary when you notice dead, dying or shrivelled leaves.

If this occurs simply snip them off.

Jade plants are very forgiving and they will continue to grow regardless of where…

…you cut them. If you like you can prune them to look like bonsai trees.

Creating More Jade Plant

Has one of your friends fallen in love with your jade plant?

The good newsis that these plants are ridiculously simple to grow or propagate.

It’s easy right?

Simply break off a slice strip off the lower leaves and dry out the bottom of the cut piece known as a cutting…

…for a few days. That concludes our discussion.

Tell them to keep the soil lightly moist then begin watering on a regular basis until they pull on…

…the cutting and feel resistance which indicates that it has formed roots and can absorb water.

Go on…

Jade plants can also be propagated by placing a picked leaf in the soil…

…and waiting for roots and small leaves to emerge at the base.


Under stems and leaves mealybugs or scale may be hiding.

To get rid of the bugs spray them with water or gently brush them away with rubbing alcohol…

…on a paper towel or cotton swab.

To eliminate the pests’ offspring multiple applications will be needed.

It might be preferable to take a clean cutting from the plant and start over if it is heavily infested.

Next One…

Powdery mildew is a concern that can occur indoors but it is rare.

Excessive moisture in the soil causes root rot. Between waterings allow the soil to dry out.

The presence of shriveled or wrinkled leaves indicates that the plant is thirsty and needs more frequent…

…or deeper watering.

Last but not least...

The plant’s leaves were waterlogged and squishy indicating that it was receiving too much water.

Leaf drop may also be a sign of a watering problem.


From the article above we can learn that Jade is a good choice for us to start gardening.

At our place, in this pandemic time like this.

That was a good choice for you.

To have jade plant as your houseplant. So why keep waiting?

Sum Up!

Jade as a succulent plant. Have a good resilience. That can accompany you

And besides its easy to take care of it for us who’s kinda lazy, to take care general houseplant.

So that’s it! Now do you have any recommendation plants that are good to grow? 

Or maybe you have a question about something that you read?

Either way go ahead and leave a comment below right now!

Thanks for reading! Cao!

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