Why Lawn Mower Pull Cord Is Stuck? 3 Superb Reasons Why It’s Stuck

Why lawn mower pull cord is stuck? Lawn mower pull cord is one of the most common lawn mower problems. If your lawn mower is not running, it could be due to this cord problem. Find out the answer of your question in this blog. In this blog, we also have an article about best high end lawn mowers that you might want to read about it.

A lawn mower is a machine utilizing one or more revolving blades to cut a grass surface to an even height.”


What is lawn mower

Lawn mower is a machine used to cut grass in lawns. A lawn mower is a simple machine that consists of a blade, a drive mechanism, and a handle. The blade is the most important part of the lawn mower. It is designed to cut the grass into smaller pieces. The drive mechanism is also very important.

It connects the blade to the handle, so that it can move forward and backward. The handle is used to control the direction of the blade and other functions of the lawnmower. Lawn cutting machines use either gasoline or electric power to operate. If you are looking for a replacement for your old lawn mower parts, you should know some things about them first.

Nothing kills the joy of a sunny day like the wrong mower. Fortunately, the opposite is also true. The right mower can make cutting your lawn a pleasure.”

Roy Berendsohn, author from popularmechanics.com

The Operation of a Pull Cord

When you pull the cord on your lawnmower, it turns a hub linked to the crankshaft, which in turn spins the blade. While the crankshaft rotates, an electro-magnetic link ignites the spark plug and simultaneously injects gas into the combustion chamber through the carburetor. The engine begins to operate after the gas ignites. A recoil spring connects the cable’s hub to the motor housing, automatically rewinding the cord each time it is pulled. When everything is set correctly, the cord should have no slack.

Why Lawn Mower Pull Cord Is Stuck?

So, why lawn mower pull cord is stuck? There are a few factors that contribute to the lawnmower pull cord being stuck. If you address these issues, you can avoid this difficulty. Let us examine them.

  1. Numerous lawnmowers have an automated braking system. A lever linked to the lawnmower handle activates the automatic brake. When you draw the rope, you must push it downward. When the mower’s draw cord becomes stuck, check to see whether the automatic brake is functioning correctly.
  2. When dirt and debris clog the space around the lawnmower blade, the pull cord gets tangled. To inspect the blade region, tilt the lawnmower sideways. Additionally, clean it if any obstructions are discovered.
  3. Occasionally, the mower starting clutch can freeze up due to corrosion on the ball bearing within the clutch. By resolving this problem, you will be able to pull the starting cord freely.

How To Fix It 

Remove The Spark Plug In The First Step

Bring the lawnmower to a level area and unhook the spark plug.

Remove The Pull Cord in Step 

Disconnect the draw cord from the mower’s handle.

Remove the screws from the starter assembly.

Unscrew three or four screws that secure the starting unit to the mower.

Remove The Starter Clutch Cap

Tap the starter clutch cap gently. Remove the cap and starter clutch assembly.

Remove Rust From The Bearing

Steel wool may be used to remove rust from the bearing. Steel wool must be of the finest quality. Otherwise, the bearing will be harmed. Clean both the bearing pocket and the shaft thoroughly.

Recoil The Starter Cord 

Recoil the starting cord in the mower starter spring before reassembling the bearing.

Reassemble the Bearing and Cap

Apply some oil to the middle of the starting clutch. It will aid in the bearing’s unrestricted movement. Insert the bearing into the bearing’s pocket. Reinstall the cap and screws in their original locations. Tighten the screws to the required torque.

Benefits of lawn mower

To take care of your lawn, you need to purchase the right kind of equipment. There are several kinds of tools available in the market. You need one or more than one depending upon your needs. Here are some advantages of having a lawnmower.

Gives an Easy Way to Mow Your Lawn

The most important advantage of having a lawnmover is that it gives you an easy way to cut grass. This is because the blades can easily trim the grass. You do not have to walk behind the machine. You simply position yourself near the front of the lawnmower and start it. Then, the machine does all the work.

You Save Time and Energy

If you want to save energy and time, then purchasing a lawnmower is imperative. With the help of a lawnmower, you can cut your lawn without much effort. Furthermore, it reduces the workload at home. It also saves a lot of time.

It Helps With Home Maintenance

If you love gardening, then you know how hard it is to maintain the garden manually. But with a lawnmower, it is quite easy. You may use the power of the lawnmower to make things easier for you. You may even get rid of weeds and other obstacles. Therefore, this makes the job simple. Besides, it helps you keep your lawn tidy and green.

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