3 Superb Amazing Tips Choosing Good Soil for Snake Plant 2021

Snake plants are easy to care for houseplants, but they require repotting every once in a while to stay healthy and strong.

In this tutorial on repotting, you take a look at the steps you need to take, what mix you need, and when you should do it.

Snake Plants are some of my most favorite houseplants.

I grow quite a few of them, both indoors and outdoors, at my home in the Arizona desert.

Their spikey, patterned leaves are so interesting. Plus, they are easy to take care of.

Is there anything you can give in return for their hard work to these wonderful indoor plants that require little maintenance?

You have good news – Yes! Good soil will help you snake plant stay healthy.

It may also help it recover from damage caused by accidental overwatering.

Here’s the story from Deandra about having snake plant for the very first time and his experience…

choosing a good soil for his snake plant!

Let us hear Deandra’s story

I am so happy to have found this good soil for my Snake Plant.

I’ve been looking everywhere and couldn’t find any where else, but then the garden store happened!

I’m glad that they had it there.

As soon as I went in, one of the employees came up to me and said “Hi!”.

They were really friendly too which is always nice very welcoming.

There was a big sign near the entrance that read “Plants” which helped…

because I didn’t know what section to go into for them.

Once inside, they had all sorts of plants: cactus plants, bonsai trees…and snake plant!

This is what I’m looking for.

The employee showed me where it was and how much it cost before telling me about some fertilizers…

that are good for snake plant and give a me a little tips about good soil because its sure important for snake plant.

After picking up all of the stuff that I need…

I rush my way to the home with my newcomer of my little garden, the snake plant.

good soil
credit: https://lthomason.wordpress.com/2018/06/05/good-soil/

Snake plants are so convenient to have because they like being dry. Osofsky recommends using well-draining succulent soil and a planter with a drainage hole. The plant will survive if you’re heavy-handed with the water once in a while, but it really doesn’t enjoy having its roots sit in soggy soil.

 Arati Menon, Senior Editor, Food52.com

Here’s the interesting part…

What is Snake Plant?

Known as Sansevierias, Mother-In-Law Tongues, and Snake Tongue Plants.

Snake Plants handle moist conditions and lower light conditions like champions. 

Our snake plant care guides can be found here. Here’s a list of a few of my snake plants.

I have ten in total because they are easy to care for and can handle Tucson’s dry air just fine.

As the most tolerant of all decorative plants, Sansevieria can survive the harshest growing conditions, abuse and neglect. 

Simply put, sansevieria is a tough houseplant to kill.

Snake plants are versatile, classic houseplants with sword-like foliage. 

The great thing about this plant is that it’s a great plant for forgetful gardeners…

and it’s an excellent air purifier plant for indoor environments.

Household plants are often strategically placed for decoration and to maintain good feng shui.

But did you know that some of these same plants also have some health benefits? 

You might be surprised to learn that snake plants bring both health benefits and beauty to your home.

Keep reading to discover the snake plant’s benefits, how to care for one, and how to keep it alive.

Good soil 2
credit: https://houseplantcentral.com/how-to-propagate-a-snake-plant-in-water-or-soil/

Go On…

Good Soil

You don’t want the mix to hold too much moisture, since this will lead to root rot. Snake Plants prefer the dry side, so the mix they’re planted in should drain freely.

In addition to adding succulents and cactus to the mix, it will aerate the mixture as well.

Additionally, I toss a few handfuls of organic compost as I’m planting (I go much lighter on this and the worm compost when repotting houseplants as compared with container plants in my garden) and a half-inch layer of worm compost on top.

What Is Good Soil That Snake Plant Need?

A well-drained good soil mix is essential for the snake plant, as it is vulnerable to root rot like many succulent plants.

Alternatively, you can make your own potting mix by mixing some in your selected potting pot with water.

Although a plastic pot is fine, a terracotta pot generally includes just the right amount of drainage.

It is easy to find great pre-made potting good soils out there, but three brands stand out:

Good soil 3
credit: https://plantcaretoday.com/snake-plant-soil.html


The Miracle-Gro brand is one of the most famous names in plant care.

Perlite and sand are blended with sand and citrus juices to make their cactus palm and citrus potting media.

The fast-draining and nutritional planting medium provides a fast-growing environment.

Ramsey Succulent Potting Mix

Ramsay succulent soils are mainly composed of seaweed, but also contain perlite and sand to create a mix with high drainage and nutritional values.

rePotme Cactus and Succulent Soil Mix

Hand-crafted from bark, pumice, stalite, and diatomaceous earth, this succulent soil is a rich and potent mix. The latter provides this mix with a means of pest control.

Next Up!

Is Potting Mix commercially Available In Addition To New Pots Good for Snake Plants?

The preferences of a plant are like that of a child. Although two similar plants may look the same, their personalities are different.

As a result, you may want to tweak the recipe a little. If your snake plant isn’t happy, add a little extra to commercial mix.

Drainage issues are still possible. Adding gravel at the bottom of the pot will improve the water flow.

a mix that does not drain well can be improved by adding pumice or perlite.

If necessary, you can add a small amount of potting soil.

No more than 14% of the final mix to add nutrients to the potting soil.

Good soil mix is really needed for snake plant

Here’s the good thing…

Snake Plant Good Soil Recipes

You no longer have to buy special mixes in order to achieve the perfect medium for your snake plant.

To make an easy mix, you need:

  • 2 parts perlite or coarse sand
  • 1 part peat moss or coconut coir
  • 1 part garden soil or potting mix

When preparing your own soil mix remember:

  1. Do not use garden soil on plants growing indoors.
  2. The soil must drain well.
  3. Repotting snake plants should be as easy as possible.
  4. Root rot can be salvaged if your snake plant is well taken care of.
  5. Taking out the root ball.
  6. Cut away any diseased roots or leaves
  7. A fresh potting medium should be used to repot the plants.
  8. Ideal is a granular, soil-free potting medium.

Coconut coir is often used in place of peat moss, which is one of the few soil components…

…that can deteriorate over time. When making your own snake plant mix…

…consider using coconut coir as a substitute.

2/3 – 3/4 organic potting soil

My favorite potting soil is Happy Frog Ocean Forest.

I alternate between them on alternate days, and sometimes I combine them.

Both are full of high quality ingredients.

Make sure your potting soil is designed for indoor plants on the bag.

Few Handfuls of Organic Compost

Tank’s local compost is great if you can’t find it anywhere around you.

Dr. Earth’s also works well. Both enrich the soil naturally and good soil will be happen.

Soil Mix Alternatives

33% potting soil, 13% pumice or 33% potting soil, 15% perlite or 23% potting soil, 13% clay pebbles These four are what I used for my mix. 

These are the ingredients you can use to improve drainage and aeration in potting soil: perlite, clay pebbles, & pumice.

The pumice, perlite, and clay pebbles increase drainage, promote aeration, and ensure that the soil doesn’t stay too wet.

Pot Size

Plants with a Snake Plant prefer to grow close to their pots. I repot them by 1 pot size when repotting.

As an example, if it has a 6′′ grow pot, then a 8′′ pot is the size you’ll want to use.

Since Sansevieria prefers to spread out during their growth, I have found that they can grow in shallow pots.

A deep pot has more soil mass at the bottom, which could cause root rot if the soil stays too wet.

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credit: https://id.pinterest.com/pin/248612841906351107/

Last but not least…

Repotting It

Then gather your soil mix materials.

Sometimes, I mix them beforehand, and at other times, I mix them in the pot as I go along.

Loosen the plants from their pots. For one plant, I used a dull knife and for the other.

I gently pressed on the grow pot. Both methods are shown clearly in the video.

When the plant is out of the pot, measure out the amount of soil mix you need to raise…

…the top of the root ball up to 1/2′′ to 1′′ below the rim of the new pot.

Add the mix in. Fill in around the sides of the pot with mix, and place the plant in it.

Add a thin layer of worm compost on top.

Good soil 5
credit: https://bit.ly/3gTXhHC

Sum Up

See having Snake plant is good choice for you to have! It’s cool, its famous, it’s easy to have and care!

What else do you need? In this pandemic time like this, is a good choice for you to have an new activity…

…and having snake plant is a good choice for you to have!


Last thing for sure. This plant need to be care carefully, remember plant need the “love” too.

Alright that’s all for today! Do you have any questions about all of this?

Or do you want to add some plant that have a good properties like snake plant?

Let me know your recommendation from the comment below.

I hope you can now take care your snake carefully and grow it big!

Thanks for reading this article! Bye!

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