Grass Cutting with No Bagger: The Best Way to Mow a Yard (2022)

man using riding mower to grass cutting and throw away debris
source: OPE reviews

Are you tired of bagging your grass every time you mow it? Grass cutting with no bagging may be the answer to your prayers! This simple technique allows you to easily remove all the grass clippings from your yard without having to waste any valuable time and resources bagging them. So why wait? Let’s take a look at how to do it!

Here are simple ways to follow which requiring consistency but we believe our readers are smart and diligence people, right?

Keep The Grass Height At The Same Level

Because grass grows so quickly in the spring and early summer, mowing without a bag and leaving the grass clippings on your lawn generally requires mowing once or twice a week. Your lawn mower’s blades should be set at a height that cuts no more than 1 inch or 1/3 of the overall blade height. This promotes quick breakdown while also keeping the grass healthy.

When you don’t mow your grass as often as you should, it might cause damage to the grass. It’s possible that you’ll remove too much at once. Grass cutting disintegrate fast, recycle nutrients, and re-enter the soil with frequent mowing.

The size of grass clippings is determined by the type of grass and the season in which it is mowed. If you’re mowing your lawn in the spring, be sure to trim it at least once a week, and the grass clippings should be no larger than an inch in diameter. If your clippings are larger than that, make sure to mow your lawn on a regular basis to break them down and prevent them from gathering. Mowing your lawn to a lesser height in the spring avoids thatch accumulation and promotes a green and healthy lawn.

Set Your Blade Height

If you’re new to lawn care, then you’re likely wondering how to set your blade height. Grass cutting with a blade set too low can result in a lot of missed areas and mowing through tough grasses. Set your blade height using the height adjustment wheel on your mower, and make sure to keep it evenly adjusted while mowing. This will help ensure that you get the most consistent lawn coverage possible.

As the season progresses, raise the blade height of your lawn mower to accommodate the increased growth of the grass, which will result in longer grass clippings. Finally, grass cuttings should be roughly 2 to 2.5 inches thick in the fall. Always keep an eye out for dull blades. Your lawn will not be trimmed evenly if this is not done.

Gain Lot of Advantage

Leaving grass clippings on the yard made either you itself and soil naturally fulfilled by the presence of good nutrients. Mulching not only provides some of the same advantages as compost for your grass, but it may also be a lot speedier option than bagging. It has to be other advantages like;

  • Grasscycling: Grasscycling is a method of distributing grass clippings around the lawn to offer nutrients and aid in soil moisture retention.
  • No additional work: Because grass is a natural fertilizer, there is no need to bag and dispose of the clippings.
  • Add beauty value: Grass cutting without a bag creates bigger clippings in your yard, which is unsightly. Mulching the larger pieces into the smaller ones creates a cleaner, more consistent look. This also avoids grass cuttings ending up on the road.
  • Sharpen your blade: A decent lawn mower is essential for mulching. By keeping your blades sharp, your mower will be able to cut each blade of grass into finer, lighter blades. Mulching works best when each blade is allowed to blend in and mingle with the rest of your grass.


In conclusion, mulching is the best way to ensure that our yards are cleaned almost perfectly. It guarantees a clean look, reduced mowing time and helps keep the lot fresh for longer periods.

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