Remarkable Tips on How To Grow Snake Plant In Water Without Soil! (2021)

Houseplants like snake plants can beautify your home and office. From fertile soil to rocks, these tough, hard-to-kill plants can naturally thrive. You’ve probably never seen a snake plant (mother-in-law’s tongue) growing just in the water. Yes, it is possible. Plants can be grown in water-filled glass jars as tabletop decor, which looks amazing. Learn how to safely transplant your snake plant from soil to water, as well as how to properly care for it.

Houseplants grown in water are known as hydroponic farming or hydroculture. Despite the fact that commercially grown plants are usually grown in soil, many houseplants can also be successfully grown in water. You can keep such plants as an indoor decor in your workplace. You can also use them for your kitchen or dining area. Now you might wonder, “How do you feed plants grown in water?” “Do these plants require any special care?” 

Here are a few answers.

Is Sansevieria Capable of Surviving in Water?

Yes, that’s the short answer. However, it sounds very counter-intuitive, doesn’t it? Snake plants are susceptible to root rot and fungal infection when overwatered. Despite its inability to grow in waterlogged soil, Sansevieria can still grow in 100 percent water. The statement is both confusing and true at the same time.

The reason is that inactive fungal spores are more prevalent in soil and potting mixes. In the soil, pathogens eat sugar and organic materials. Despite the fact that some of them can grow in water, tap water and drinking water are protected against contamination.

Often, snake plants can be propagated from leaf cuttings taken from existing plants in water. Until the roots become strong and healthy, water propagation usually takes 2-3 months. You can continue to grow your baby plants in bottles or similar containers. A water-based medium may allow plants to grow less quickly than a potting medium. The plant is a good choice for indoor ornamental plants that are not just for decoration and not for growing. The ability to arrange plants in water also allows for greater flexibility.

What Is The Best Way To Grow A Snake Plant in Water?

Leaf cuttings are usually the easiest to root in water, but rooted plants can also be used. Here’s how to grow leaf cuttings in water. You need to follow some basic instructions in order to cultivate rooted snake plants in water. You should do this at the end of spring or the beginning of summer. You should remove the plant from its pot, clean the root system, and trim the damaged parts just as you would when repotting it in soil. You can then add water directly into the hydroponics container. Let’s take a closer look at each of these steps.

Choose A Container

You can use almost any container that can hold water. This time there are no drainage holes! With Sansevieria Trifasciata’s long leaves, growing plants in a glass bottle is a very common option. You can use any type of waterproof container, such as glass jars, plastic pots, or tall ceramic coffee mugs. To prevent algae growth, use dark, opaque containers. Copper, lead, and brass-lined pots should be avoided. Liquid fertilizers can react with metals and cause corrosion or plant damage.

According to the size of the plant, choose a container. The pot style should complement the Sansevieria variety. Once you have selected a container, you can fill it with decorative stones. You may use gravel, pearl chips, pebbles, marbles, beads, or anything else that sparks your imagination. Add a pinch of powdered activated charcoal to water to keep it clear and fresh-smelling.

Plants Should Be Divided into Appropriate Sizes

You may have to divide your old and large snake plant to move it from soil to water. Generally, mature snake plants won’t fit into the container you have selected. Also, you don’t want to break the fragile pot (like a glass pot) trying to fit in the plant. The mother plant may become accustomed to living in the soil, so you can keep it safe as a backup, if the transplant doesn’t work.

Make the soil loose and easy to remove the plant by watering 1-2 days before. Remove your snake plant from its pot, and check the roots to see if they can naturally be separated. Using a sharp and sterilized knife (or pruning shears), divide your plant into several smaller ones. Take just a small portion apart and repot the remaining plant. Check to see that the selected piece has some roots and a few leaves.

Wash the Roots to Remove Soil

Snake plants need to be cleaned of soil before being transferred from soil culture to hydroponics. It is possible to infect and spread diseases through soil organic matter. Hydroponics relies heavily on this point, as it is the key to success.

  • Shake and tap the plant gently to make the root soil fall off.
  • After that, soak it in clean water for 15-20 minutes.
  • Afterward, gently wash the roots 2-3 times with water until the water runs clear and transparent with no silt.
  • By taking your hands into the gap, you will remove all soil from the roots. To dig out soil stuck in crevices, you can use bamboo or wooden sticks. Make sure there is no soil left behind.
  • Also, wash the leaves with water.

Get Rid of Old and Dead Roots and Leaves

Once you have removed all the soil from the roots, you may be able to see if any root damage has occurred. Get rid of all diseased and old parts of the root. Keep only healthy, white roots. You should also remove any yellow, droopy, or curling leaves. Ensure that the plant is thoroughly washed with water again to avoid contamination from cutting tools.

Plant the Snake Plant in Water

Once the plant has been cleaned properly, it can be directly placed in the container. Clean drinking water or tap water should be used. Submerge the roots in water.

Environment for Growing


The quality of the water is the most important aspect of a hydroponic system. You should use plain drinking water or water from the tap. Water from your tap must meet certain safety requirements by law, so it’s usually ok for hydroponics. Water from a pond, rainwater or a well should be tested first for mineral content. Snake plants can be hampered from absorbing other nutrients when they are overly replete with some minerals. In addition to minerals, the water may contain bacteria and other microorganisms. Due to the absence of soil, impurities in water go straight to the roots.

Chlorine in water can adversely affect some plants. You can avoid this by filling another container with tap water and leaving it standing overnight. Since chlorine is a gas at room temperature, chlorine molecules will evaporate into the air. Give this water to your snake plant. During winter, the air is very dry (depending on the region) and there is little moisture. To increase humidity, you can mist the snake plant with fine spray.

Light and Temperature

In water, your snake plant can withstand temperatures between 50 and 85° F (10 and 29° C). Tropical plants prefer temperatures around 70° F (21° C) or higher. This should not be a problem for indoor plants.

Snake plants prefer bright light, whether they are grown in soil or water. Plants can be placed on a windowsill to receive moderate to bright filtered sunlight. Snake plants, however, don’t necessarily need sun. Lamps scattered light works just fine. Make sure it’s sufficiently bright.


Growing and thriving snake plants require several elements and inorganic compounds. They do not care whether the compounds come from soil or water. It is possible to add nitrogen artificially to plants, a macronutrient that is necessary for new growth. To meet the nutrient requirements of snake plants, you can use fertilizers. However, adding fertilizer to the soil versus adding water to the soil is a huge difference.

Make sure you use a soluble fertilizer that dissolves quickly in water and gets to the roots. Fertilize hydroponically with a liquid or salt fertilizer. During the spring and summer, only feed your snake plants once a month.

Dilute water and fertilizer with one-fourth the amount recommended on the package. Put your plant in this mixture for a week, then replace it with plain water. It should be enough to keep the plant growing, though it will grow slower than in soil.

Organic fertilizer is not recommended since it does not dissolve well in water, and it is hard to know how much nutrient is being provided to the plant. There is also a risk of pest infestation.

Cultivation Tips

Regularly Change the Water

Regularly replacing the water in the pot is very important. As a result, roots are continuously supplied with oxygen. The oxygen in fresh water is slowly absorbed by the plant. When you don’t change the water for a long time, pathogens start growing in it. Several types of bacteria can cause soft rot in snake plants.

Water should be replaced once every 5-10 days in spring and fall, once every 5 days in summer, and once every 10-15 days in winter. If algae appears or the water starts to smell funky, change it more frequently.

Replace the Water in the Container After Cleaning It

Wash the roots and pot with clean water every time you change the water. It will ensure that there is no contamination of the water with bacteria that stick to the container. If you see any rotten parts on the roots or leaves, cut them off and wash the plant afterwards. If you change the water frequently, root rot will not develop.

Protect the Plants from the Cold

Snake plants don’t like cold weather, so don’t let the temperature drop during winter. Make sure your hydroponics grow room has proper air circulation so that the temperature remains constant.

During the night, place your snake plants near the heater. You can also arrange an aquarium heater if needed.

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