The Remarkable Guide to Grow Snake Plant Outside (2021)

Beginners should consider snake plants as their first plant. These plants are not only very forgiving, but they grow without much maintenance or care. Perhaps you’re wondering if you can grow snake plants outside, depending upon where you live. We’ve done some research on how to grow snake plants, and we’ll answer this question in this post.

Snake plants can be grown outdoors. They can be grown in pots or directly in the ground. Although snake plants prefer a warmer environment, they do not thrive in cold weather. Thus, if you live in an area where the average temperature is below 55 degrees Fahrenheit, your snake plant may not survive outdoors without some extra care.

It is possible to grow a snake plant outdoors, but certain steps are necessary to make sure the plant has the best chance for success. If you plant a snake plant outside, you will learn what factors contribute to its growth.

Growing Snake Plants Outside

Plants that grow on snakes are known to be virtually indestructible. Snake plants require very little water to grow, which is often the biggest challenge to growing them. However, if you plan to grow a snake plant outside, there are additional factors to consider. Let’s take a look at the most important points.


West Africa is home to snake plants, which are tropical plants. Since they are so hardy, they can survive in warm temperatures (USDA Zones 8 to 11), anywhere between 55 and 90 degrees Fahrenheit. Temperatures below 50 degrees Fahrenheit will not allow them to survive for more than a few days.


Lighting changes don’t seem to affect snake plants much. Both semi-lit and shady areas and brightly lit outdoor areas can support them. It is certainly possible to set them outside in the garden or on the patio, but they prefer bright light.

If they are exposed to direct sunlight for several hours, it can dry them out. A plant’s leaves will also wilt and fall off if they’re left in areas with no light. 

Snake plants will thrive when placed on a south or west-facing surface, where they will get a mixture of direct and indirect lighting throughout the day.


A snake plant does not need much water to survive, as mentioned previously. It is actually not necessary for them to have much. Once the soil has completely dried, the snake plant needs to be watered. The outdoor humidity level and the size of the plant will determine this. Two to six weeks are enough time for snake plants to survive without water.

Snake plants should be planted far from other plants that require regular watering or in a pot by itself (or with other tropical plants) if you intend to plant them in the ground outdoors. 

Look at the leaves of your snake plant to determine if it’s too dry. It’s time to water the plant if the leaves are turning yellow or appearing wilted on the ends.


As long as the soil drains well, snake plants can grow outdoors in a regular soil mixture. Plant your snake plant outdoors in terracotta, porcelain, or ceramic pots. Make sure that the pot has enough drainage holes. Also, cacti, snake plants, and succulents grow well in specific soil types.


Slow-growing snake plants aren’t frequently re-potted since they don’t grow very fast. It may only be necessary to repot them ever five to ten years if they are outdoors with low lighting. It is possible that repotting the plants is required within two to five years if they are placed in a bright area with artificial lighting. 

The roots do best when allowed to wander freely around the interior of the pots, though they prefer to be crowded. During the colder months of the year, you may notice that your outdoor snake plant becomes more crowded. This is normal and will not hinder its growth.

Outdoor Pests

Despite being pest resistant, snake plants are another benefit of growing them outdoors. As with any other house plant, they can become susceptible to pest infestation if the surrounding area is not maintained at a certain level. Mealybugs and spider mites are the two most common pests that affect snake plants. In both cases, if not removed quickly, the snake plant’s foliage will wilt and become sick. The most common way to eliminate them is by applying neem oil or rubbing alcohol to the leaves.

The Prevention Of Evasive Snake Plant Roots

Planting snake plants in the ground outdoors, especially in warm climates, can cause them to become invasive. To prevent this, follow these steps:

  • You may want to surround the snake plant with barriers that are at least ten to twelve inches deep in the ground to prevent the roots from spreading all over your yard.
  • Instead of planting the plant directly in the ground, place it in pots and stick the pots into the ground up to the rim. Drainage holes are necessary to maintain healthy soil in containers.
  • Divide the snake plant every two to three years.

How To Divide Snake Plants

Remove The Plant From Its Pot

Put down newspaper or a tarp around the surrounding area. Next, gently grab the leaves of your snake plant with one hand and use the other hand to remove the pot. You can attempt to remove the pot by pressing on the pot’s base. You may have to cut around the soil with the utility knife if the pot is stuck to the soil. 

Alternatively, you can trace the perimeter of the soil with a pencil or chopstick – this is a much safer method, since you won’t damage the roots.

Slice the Pups

As soon as the plant is removed from the pot, shake off the loose soil and separate the leaves into three to four pieces. On the bottom of the plant, you will see the small pups with white rhizomes; observe them closely. Slice the pups from the bottoms of the leaves using a sterile paring knife or gardening shears.

Prepare the New Pots

Fill your new pots with snake plant soil or cactus soil, leaving about an inch or two at the top. Divide your snake plants into these pots and cover them with about an inch of soil. Plants’ bases should be gently pressed into the soil.

Add Water

Put the plants in an area with low lighting or about four feet away from a north-facing window after lightly watering them. While they recover, the plants need sunlight, but not so much that they become stressed.

Things You Should Avoid When Growing Snake Plants Outside

Misting the Leaves on a Hot Day

Snake plant leaves do not need to be misted. Despite arid weather conditions, plants remain adequately hydrated by containing water in their leaves. Developing fungal problems on the foliage of plants can be caused by misting.

Snake plant leaves should not be wet. There is no need to worry about water missing from these plants because they live in such dry regions. You should place the watering can directly in the soil if you see signs of under-watering.

Cold Temperatures

In cold climates, you should not try to grow snake plants outdoors without some type of heating system. If you live in an area where temperatures can dip below 50 degrees Fahrenheit during the cold months of the year, consider using a small greenhouse to store the snake plant.

Ignoring Pests

Snake plants are usually pest-resistant, but this can change in an outdoor environment. The snake plant may also suffer an infestation if you plant it near other plants with pests. To prevent your plant from being overtaken by pests, make sure to nip any infestations in the bud and eliminate them as soon as possible.

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