Most Suitable Snake Plants Variety For You! (2021)

Snake Plants Origins and History

Snake plants, which originated in West African tropical forests, appear to flourish in hot, sunny environments. Snake plants thrived in a region of Africa that extended from Nigeria to the Congo before becoming a popular indoor plant. The species has grown in popularity as an indoor houseplant all around the world since then.

Throughout its history, this plant has been known as Sansevieria. The plant family was introduced to the Dracaena genus in 2017. Snake Plants: Scientific Information The scientific name of the snake plant has recently been changed to Dracaena trifasciata. It is a member of the Asparagaceae plant family, which includes a garden, as you might anticipate.

The plant is native to West Africa and comes in a variety of shapes and sizes. Only a few of the variations are Hahnii, Laurentii, Compacta, Goldiana, and Silbersee. The varieties range in size and shape, from small snake plants to a twisted-sister kind with wavy leaves.

Across civilizations, the plant is known by a variety of names. It’s also known as mother-in-language law in English. Snake plants are known in Portuguese as Espada de Sâo Jorge or Saint George’s sword. In Japan, the plant is known as the tiger’s tail.

According to NASA’s Clean Air Study, the variegated form of snake plants, or Dracaena trifasciata ‘Laurentii,’ has been added to the list of air-purifying plants. It was one among a handful of plants discovered to assist in the removal of toxins from the air. The plant helps to maintain its ecosystem clean and tidy by pumping out fresh oxygen, especially at night.

Is This Snake Plant Varieties Suitable For Your Life Style?

Sansevieria Concinna

Sansevieria concinna is a kind of Sansevieria. Sansevieria concinna species are native to South Africa. The rosette is made up of erect, lanceolate leaves that develop from a thick rhizome. They are green in hue with pale green transverse stripes and grow to be between 15 and 25 cm long. The leaf has a smooth surface and no firm edges. White spike-shaped inflorescences emerge. They can range in length from 15 to 30 cm.

Surprisingly this plant would like to live in a shady location! It won’t be weak if you keep them in non-sunny places! Maybe it’s a good option for you to put in the bedroom. Even though they originally come from South Africa, it prefers to be in 20 Celcius temperature. Water them moderately! 

Drainage on the pot is important for them. Even though they can absorb more water, it has no tolerance to waterlogging. 

Cylindrica or “African Spear”

Cylindrica has robust green leaves that are erect. The leaves are cylindrical in shape and extremely robust, as you can expect from the name. This variety’s leaves are so stiff and rigid that it’s impossible to bend them after they’ve developed without cracking them.

The newer growth is more flexible, and if cultivated in a dark environment, it will bend forcefully towards light sources, but once mature, they’re much thicker and more firmly rooted in their pots. This provides the plant remarkable resilience and resistance to injury, making it an ideal plant for a high-traffic area.

For some, this distinctive style is plenty, but nurseries are making use of its natural predisposition to bend towards the light when using innovative flexible growth forms.

Sansevieria Black Coral

Botanical Name — Sansevieria trifasciata ‘Black Coral’ Common Name — snake plant, mother-in-law’s tongue, viper’s bowstring hemp Plant Family — Asparagaceae  Background Sansevieria trifasciata ‘Black Coral’ is a West African semi-tropical plant. It grows wild in open meadows and as a weed along roadsides where it is native. It spreads quickly through spreading rhizomes that grow below or just above the soil surface. Because the strong plant fibers were historically used to make bowstrings, it was given the nickname “viper’s bowstring hemp.” 

Sansevieria Stuckyi

Dracaena Stuckyi is a Sansevieria species that is relatively unknown. It’s an evergreen plant with a Sansevieria Fischeri-like appearance. The leaves of this plant is remarkable, containing two types of life forms. Flat, striped green leaves grow into a fountain shape in the juvenile form. The leaves are stiff, pointed, cylindrical, and grow upright in the mature phase, as shown in the image above. After 4 to 6 years of growth, the plant reaches maturity.

Depending on the growing conditions, the Sansevieria can reach a height of 6 to 7 feet. Despite the fact that it is a flowering plant, it rarely blooms. In addition, the bloom stalk is significantly shorter than the plant’s height. Unlike most snake plants, which have bright green foliage, the mature leaves of this plant are light green.

Sum Up!

As you can see there are a few snake plants that require more water than the other, or they prefer to live inside your house where there’s not much sunlight. Now it’s all up to you to choose the most suitable snake plants in your hous.

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