Snake Plants Incredible Story (2021)

Introduction Of Snake Plants

Do you ever wonder why the snake plants called snake plants? Is it because of the shape? Let’s get to know it better before we know the history behind the name. You can’t do better than a snake plant if you’re looking for an easy-care plant. Generations of gardeners have called this hardy indoor a favorite because of how easy it is to grow in a wide range of environments.

It is originally from Africa and South Asia. It’s a succulent plant where it keeps moist inside their leaves. The leaves of most varieties are sword-like in appearance and can be banded in gray, silver, or gold. The scientific name of the snake plant is Sansevieria. It has a number of varieties all around the world.

The most common one is Sansevieria trifasciata. This type can grow up to nine feet tall! The other varieties such as Sansevieria hahnii can only grow a little, as it’s suitable to decorate your desk. The Sansevieria is also called as snake plants today because of the looks indeed!

Do you know that snakes are afraid of the plant? How come? Since the plant looks also like a snake, the sturdy leaves make it looks there is a lot of snakes, it makes the unwanted animal away! Snake plant is a great choice for modern and contemporary interior designs. It’s a great houseplant.

After knowing more about the plant, let’s take a look on how to grow it!

Growing Instructions

There are row snake plants in almost every room of the house. It thrives in bright conditions, even though it does not tolerate low light. It’s not easy to underwater this hardy houseplant if you water it often. When the top inch or so of the soil is dry, the plant will grow. It’s a good idea to allow the top inch of the potting mix to dry before you water it.

If you fertilized the plant a couple of times in the spring and summer it will grow a little more. If you want to know how much to use, follow the directions on the packaging of the fertilizer. The plant is a slow grower, so it doesn’t need to be fertilized. There are more in-depth care tips in the houseplant basics. This hardy indoor plant is not meant to be eaten by humans or animals.


You would like to grow this houseplant immediately after learning about the benefits of the snake plant in research and studies. The plant offers you awesome benefits that will make you want to grow one in your room. According to a recent study, indoor air pollution can be as harmful as outdoor air pollution. The plant is helping you filtering the air and release much more oxygen throughout the night.

With no doubts you can put it everywhere. Inside your bedroom, on your living room, or even near the door! According to the Feng Shui, snake plants are good to hiss bad luck and welcome the good luck. Apart from living, your plant can also regenerate or die. if you choose to keep it on a size, you might like to propagate it once in a while. Good news is, you can use the fibre to make a craft!

Snake Plants Common Problem

Leaves Curling Or Falling Over

There are many things that could be said about the leaves curling on the Snake Plant. You should diagnose the problem first. Thrips, a tiny black insect that can kill the plants, is one of the most common problems with Snake Plants. Shake the plant on top of the paper to make sure it’s ok. Plants with thrips are more likely to have black bugs fall off of them.

There’s no need to panic, though! Simply remove any clearly damaged leaves with a sharp blade, then spray the plant with plenty of water and wipe it down with a clean cloth. It’s a good idea to spray the plant with the oil a few times a week for a month. There aren’t any signs of bugs? Make sure your plant isn’t under-watered or over-watered by checking it.

Dry Brown Borders

The Snake Plant’s brown tips are most likely caused by infrequent or sporadic watering. The plant is able to tolerate long periods of dry weather but still gets regular watering.

Soggy Or Mushy Leaves

Does your snake plant have leaves that are wet or soggy? This may be the result of root rot. It’s a good idea to only water your plant when the soil is dry for at least 10 days. If you suspect that your plant is overwatering, you may need to take it out of its pot. There could be a case of root rot if there is a lot of water in the air.

Slow Growing

The snake plant may not be growing. There’s nothing to worry about. Many people choose the plants because they are relatively slow growers. Don’t be afraid to be patient! If you want to boost your plant’s growth, you can fertilized it in the spring and summer.

Sum Up!

Snake plants is indeed unique and very useful to human. Make it your best friend, but do not ever consume one, it’s poisonous for you. Look up the next section to know more about snake plants!

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