Superb Guide on How To Grow Snake Plant! (2021)

What do you know about snake plants? do you know how to grow snake plant? They are actually kind of dracaena. Growing in the highlands of Kenya, Zimbabwe, as well as in several regions of Asia. The interesting thing about this plant is that the locals use it to treat earaches, snake bites, and  even ulcers. However, I often manage to mess it up even though it is an easy plant to look after. Sometimes it just dries out, sometimes the cuttings rot, and sometimes it just takes  forever to grow.

Snake Plant Growth

Now let’s discuss the growth of snake plants. What can be done to increase its growth and how to grow snake plant. As a result of my experimentation with snake plants, I have come to the conclusion that this plant thrives in small pots, which means it doesn’t need to be repotted as frequently. Naturally, this plant may benefit from fertilizer, but since it evolved to grow in conditions where the soil lacks nutrients, it can still survive without  fertilizer. It is important to pay attention to the pot size. If you use a large pot and plant just a couple of leaves, new growth will not begin appearing for a long time

Watering Snake Plant

Next, watering is of utmost importance in how to grow snake plant. It is a succulent which means that it stores water in its leaves so if you keep watering it too much, i.e. every two to three days, it will become soggy and you don’t want that to happen. Alternatively, you can completely neglect the plant, as I did with this  plant. When you don’t even know what this plant is, the first sign you would see is that the leaves droop and they also become very soft. If this continues, the leaves will eventually turn brown and completely dry out.

It’s too late to turn back from this point on. Thus, it is important that you keep an eye on your plant if you notice that the leaves are drooping, and that they become soft, then most likely your plant is dehydrated, and you need to add water to it. Watering too much can also result in this. I would estimate 14-15 days would be an idle period for watering this plant. I’ve also gone 20 or 30 days without watering mine a couple of times and they’re fine.

However, I completely forgot to water this plant. Basically, what went wrong with this plant was that it was kept in the bathroom, which we don’t use so much. Also, I kept thinking that the humidity in the bathroom should be enough since it’s a  succulent. Even though I later realized it was plastic, that still didn’t explain why. This is what happened to the soil after 50 to 60 days because the soil could not absorb moisture from the air.

Light Conditions

while learning how to grow snake plant so you might have noticed that the leaves of this plant are sometimes drooping. All the leaves are drooping, which means there is a watering issue, but if only a leaf or two is drooping, this means there is a light issue.

Some leaves begin to droop when the plant is starving for light and cannot perform its normal photosynthesis process. In such cases, you should move your plant to an area that is well-lit. You can keep this plant here for about a week or 10 days and then move it back but be sure to give it a good dose of light; that will help the leaves stand up erect  again.

Propagate Snake Plant

In the past two weeks, I have tried to take a few cuttings and failed. I started them in water and failed. My last attempt at this in the water was successful about three or four months ago. I made a mistake by forgetting to change the water.

If you are forgetful or lazy like me, I would suggest starting them in dry soil, then taking the cuttings and putting them in soil, and not watering, why? Rot would be more likely to occur.

Once a callus has developed, water only after three or four days. Once you propagate snake plant, it can also take about 30 days to a month for the roots to grow, but that’s entirely fine.

Sum Up

how to make snake plant grow? there are some things you can do. give them water, light and propagate the snake plant.

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