Source: Ganshoren
When researching about a riding lawn mower you want to buy, or even already have, one might come across the term hydrostatic riding lawn mower.
What exactly is it and why must you learn more about it?
Here is what Mason, a riding lawn mower shop owner, thinks about hydrostatic transmission:
What about hydrostatic lawn mowers, you say?
We’ll, they’re certainly great if you’re looking for smoother functioning and simpler utilization!
At least compared to manual or even automatic transmission mowers.
Mason, Connecticut
Below we listed down some of the things you might find useful about hydrostatic transmission your riding lawn mower might have.
Hydrostatic Riding Lawn Mower: Introduction
When talking hydrostatic in riding mowers, we’re talking about transmission.
You could be confused about the transmission type your riding mower needs when you look at the different types that are available.
The lawnmower transmission is in charge of transferring power from the engine to the wheels and controlling the vehicle’s speed by varying its torque in response to the road’s conditions.
Riding Mower Transmissions
There are various riding mower transmission types that you might see:
Manual transmission:
You can choose from a variety of fixed speeds while using a manual transmission.
In order to switch up or down on a mower, look for models that don’t require a clutch or stopping.
Automatic transmission:
Similar to how a car’s transmission operates, an automatic transmission allows you to regulate speed by depressing the gas pedal.
If you frequently need to slow down to navigate obstacles, being able to change the speed with ease can be handy.
Hydrostatic transmission:
Similar to an automatic transmission, a hydrostatic transmission transmits power from the engine to the wheels by fluid rather than belts.
This transmission provides a more comfortable ride, needs less upkeep, and lasts longer.
Instead of using fixed gear speeds, lawn mowers with hydrostatic transmissions let you cut at a variety of speeds.
A hydraulic pump and a hydraulic motor are used in conjunction with a hydrostatic lawn mower transmission to power the machine.
Are All Riding Lawn Mowers Hydrostatic?
Some manufacturers still make rear-engine riding lawn mowers with gear-based transmission systems; not all rear-engine riding lawn mowers employ hydrostatic transmissions.
However, the most majority of zero turn radius (ZTR) mowers and rear engine riders today are fitted with Hydro-Gear gearboxes.
Is Hydrostatic Riding Lawn Mower Advantageous?
If your tractor will be primarily used for lawn and garden chores or with attachments that don’t require consistent speed, a hydrostatic transmission tractor may be the best choice and offers a variety of benefits.
Here are some of the advantages of hydrostatic transmission lawn mower:
- Easy to operate – simplified high-to-low lever to shift, no clutch to depress.
- Infinitely variable speed – adjust the forward speed from 0 to Full using the single control lever.
- Quick to stop in an emergency.
- Compact in size – no gearbox means the hydrostatic transmission is much smaller in comparison.
- Applies torque smoothly and efficiently.
- More effective for front end loader work and landscaping tasks
How Do You Drive A Hydrostatic Riding Lawn Mower?
Transmissions on hydrostatic riding lawn mowers are fluid-powered.
By adjusting the flow of hydraulic fluid to specific wheels, you may steer the mower as a result.
Two levers are used to do this.
By independently slowing or speeding up the left or right rear wheels when you push or pull the handles, the mower can be turned in the direction you want.
Pushing a mower with a hydrostatic transmission will result in fluid flowing backward via the pump, which could harm the seals.
Before relocating your lawn tractor, you must disconnect the drive.
Sum Up
All in all, hydrostatic transmission in a riding lawn mower promises a smoother run for your tractor.
However, there are some other top rated lawn mowers which operate with automatic and manual transmission, and still performs greatly.
Don’t worry if you’re not sure about it or run into trouble with your transmissions, we got you.
Let us know below which transmission is your favorite from all three!
If you want to understand more about riding lawn mower hydostatic or anything about riding lawn mower, you can read an article in our blog. Go here: Riding Lawn Mowers – Complete Guide.