Great Habbit To Make Your Sansevieria Parva Happy! (2021)

Sansevieria Parva

The home of Sansevieria Parva is Kenya, Uganda, and Rwanda. Linear to lanceolate dark green leaves with dark or lighter transverse stripes. Flowers ranging in color from white to pink emerge. The plants are simple to look after. They are excellent for beginners.

Sansevieria parva is a rare snake plant relative that you’ll want to add to your indoor houseplant collection or outdoor garden if you like succulents. It will thrive in either environment, so hurry out to the nursery and get one, and let’s learn how to care for this beautiful succulent!

The flower spike on this plant is simply gorgeous. People usually called is as Kenya Hyacinth. It has a beautiful petite soft pink flower on a single stall. It’s not so tall as its grow 20 o 30 centimeters long. 

Sansevieria parva prefers to be in a bright indirect sunlight. It’s suitable for you to put it on your desk or on the stairs, since it doesn’t grow too tall. The medium sized leaves are meant for you to put it wherever close to you.

Simply put them on a sandy type of soil, or a cactus soil mix. The can not tolerate water-logging. It prefers to be watered deeply, you can try with a inverse watering method instead of just misting or spraying waters from the surface of the soil.

Habbits That Makes Your Sansevieria Parva Alive

Don’t Move Them From Place To Place Too Fast

Most houseplants like sansevieria parva, were grown in a greenhouse before being ripped out of their lovely surroundings and placed in a store until you arrived. Transplanting them into your new decorative pot will just add to their stress and make it more difficult to give them the care they need. Keep your houseplants in their plastic nursery pots for at least the first year.

Unlike many ornamental pots, the nursery pots have good drainage. And, instead of using drainage saucers, you can easily bring the sansevieria parva to the sink or tub, give it a thorough dousing, and then let it drain before placing it back.

Most houseplants grow slowly and prefer to fit snugly in their pots, but when the pot has more roots than dirt, it’s time to transfer. Simply increase the pot size by one or two sizes at this stage. The larger the container, the slower the plant grows, and the extra dirt makes it more difficult for the roots to access the water and nutrients they require.

Finally, after transplanting, fill the bottom of the pot with potting soil (not garden soil) to get the plant to the desired height. Never put the plant in the pot’s bottom and cover it with soil, since this would suffocate it.

Connect With The Sansevieria Parva

It’s not difficult to give your greetings to the plant, make them feel like they’re noticed by you. It’s scientifically proven to make the plant grow healthier than the ones that doesn’t get a human interaction at all.

Let There Be Light

Keep plants away from the strong, scorching rays of the south and west, which are only intensified as they pass through the glass.

Plants should not be placed in corners or beneath stairwells where they would receive little or no natural light. Plants require a constant source of light to complete photosynthesis and obtain the energy they require to flourish. Install a small grow light, or even an LED, if you must place a plant in a dark spot

When To Water Them

The most prevalent cause of plant death is improper watering, which occurs when well-intentioned people drown their plants. The plants were suffocating in standing water or decaying due to persistently wet roots, she claimed.

This is a serious problem for people who water on a schedule every week, never noticing whether their plants are wet or dry. Instead of putting your plants on a watering schedule, I tell people to put them on a checking schedule, because not all plants need to be watered at the same time. Stick your finger a good inch or two into the soil to see if it’s dry before you decide to add water. If you don’t trust your finger, buy an inexpensive moisture tester 

Soak the plant in the sink or bathtub (ideally in its original nursery container) when it’s time to water, allowing the water to wash out any impurities and completely moisten the root ball.

If the soil is so dry, it can actually reject water, similar to a new sponge that won’t absorb wet until it’s submerged.. Allowing the plant to sit in a few inches of water for 20 or 30 minutes can assist it in absorbing moisture at the roots, which is where it is most required.

Sum Up!

Small actions that you do everyday will make a big difference. It’s easy to keep your sansevieria parva alive on a daily basis, right?

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