12 Stellar Species Of Snake Plants For Your Amazing Houseplant Collection In 2021!

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Are you aware of the stunningly beautiful houseplant called the snake plant?

Their upright leaves, colored in green with white stripes and yellow edges…

… will only wow you and put you in awe!

Hear it from Jeremiah!

The first time I saw a snake plant was in my friend’s house…

I saw the snake plant Cleopatra species, which has red edges in its leaves…

They aren’t like the typical snake plant…

… since they grow outwards in a rosette shape.

I fell in love directly with that plant…

… and discovered later on that there more to them than just that one specie!

I looked through every species one day, and decided to collect the rare and unique ones!

Full of dedication, right?

One of the toughest houseplants, snake plant can tolerate most indoor conditions. With its stately upright foliage that almost looks artificial, the snake plant—also called mother-in-law’s tongue—adds great architectural form to a room and complements all styles of decor.

Better Homes and Gardens

It’s true how snake plants have very different shapes and sizes from one species to another…

They may look a certain way that attracts gardeners due to their match with one’s personality…

They may also be attracted due to their names, which are very unique as well…

No matter what it is, here we’ve compiled 12 of the best species you must know!

Let’s get right into it!

12 Species Of Your Snake Plant Collection

Snake Plant Varieties
Credit: apieceofrainbow.com

Consider the snake plant, commonly called the mother-in-law’s tongue…

… if you are looking for a plant that can handle almost any conditions.

Although these plants tend to suffer from neglect and low-light conditions, they look sharp…

Furthermore, they will also help keep the air in your home clean…

You may need to plant this plant in a pot with drainage holes

There are a lot of snake plants available nowadays, so there’s a good chance you’ll find one you enjoy…

Viper’s Bowstring Hemp (Sansevieria Trifasciata ‘Black Gold’)

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Credit: naturerabbit.in

The viper’s bowstring hemp leaves are sword-like, dark-green and up to 2.5-inches wide…

They are outlined in yellow. If you have enough sunlight…

… this snake plant will reward you with more yellow on its leaves compared to many snake plants.

Viper’s bowstring hemp can grow up to four feet tall and spread out to two feet…

Sansevieria Trifasciata ‘Futura Robusta’

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Credit: campbellsnursery.com

Consider the sansevieria trifasciata if you are looking for a shorter option…

It is also known as the future robusta…

It grows to a height of 24 inches, with its leaf blades being green with grayish stripes…

Unlike many options, it has sword-shaped leaves which twist around one another instead of growing upright…

Sansevieria Trifasciata ‘Golden Hahnii’

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Credit: logees.com

The golden hahnii also known as the gold bird’s nest is a dwarf variety…

It rarely grows over 10 inches in height. This option forms low rosettes…

The oval leaves are dark green with a dark green crossband and a yellow outline…

In the late summer and early fall, small yellow-green flowers appear…

Sansevieria Trifasciata ‘Futura Superba’

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Credit: conservatoryarchives.co.uk

The sansevieria trifasciata resembles a baby black gold snake plant…

It will grow up to be about 24 inches tall…

… with upright leaves spreading out in a rosette to be about 12 inches across.

This shade of green is mottled with darker green…

This choice handles brighter light better than most others…

Sansevieria Ehrenbergii (Blue Sansevieria)

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Credit: worldofsucculents.com

There are two parallel rows of leaves on the blue sansevieria snake plant…

Dark-green leaves about 2.5 inches in diameter can grow to 5-feet tall…

These leaves look rounded and can grow up to 5-feet tall…

When the plant matures, it will form a clump with its rhizomes…

During late summer and early fall, small grayish-white blooms with purple tinges appear on the plants…

Sansevieria Ballyi (Dwarf Sansevieria)

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Credit: shopee.co.id

A dwarf sansevieria struggles to grow to a height of 6 inches…

This option produces a rosette almost perfectly oval shaped…

The leaves are light green and up to 4-inches tall and are banded with dark green lines…

On this option, narrow, upright stems grow up to 1 inch in diameter, with whitish-green flowers…

Two flowers typically appear together in a cluster, but single options exist as well…

Sansevieria Kirkii

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Credit: floraccess.com

Sansevieria kirkii is one of the world’s largest spider plants with a rosette as wide as 2 feet…

Coppery-bronze leaf spots decorate the long wavy-edged leaves…

… that grow as tall as six feet and can be up to 3.8 inches wide.

More sunlight makes the leaves on the sansevieria kirkii more colorful…

It also grows faster when the plant is given more sunlight…

Sansevieria Patens

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Credit: worldofsucculents.com

The leaves on a sansevieria plant continue to go in multiple directions…

… whereas most spider plants have straight upright leaves after they are fully mature.

The leaves on this plant are cylinder-shaped. They can grow up to one yard long…

A scarlet and white flower appears in late summer and early fall…

The leaves are lined with light-green blotches and outlined in black…

Sansevieria Zeylanica (Ceylon Bowstring Hemp)

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Credit: lazyflora.com

Leaves of the Ceylon Bowstring Hemp grow to 2.5-feet tall and up to 1 inch wide…

White spots cover these sword-shaped leaves, and they have dark-green bands…

Do not leave this option in direct sunlight, or the edges of the leaves will turn yellow…

In late summer, a 2-foot-tall flower stem with a white flower protrudes out of the middle of each rosette…

Sansevieria Trifasciata ‘Cylindrica’

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Credit: leafy-life.com

You may be confused when looking at the sansevieria trifasciata cylindrica, also known as African Spear…

… because you may think that you are looking at a lucky bamboo variety or a snake plant.

Plants that grow in sandy soil grow short cylinder shoots…

Place that option directly in direct sunlight if desired for the best color…

Or you can braid it so that it creates a unique shape…

Sansevieria Cylindrica ‘Boncel’ (Starfish Sansevieria)

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Credit: florastore.com

Despite its fan-shaped leaves, sansevieria cylindrica features dark concentric circles on each light green leaf…

A single leaf can grow up to 7-feet long and be up to 1-inch wide…

If grown in the full sun, these flowers appear in one-inch-long tubulars…

They have a sweet scent and have a greenish-white color…

Sansevieria Eilensis

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Credit: worldofsucculents.com

Sansevieria eilensis can grow up to five-inches in height and has bluish-green leaves…

The immature leaves have red margins and a deep channel in the middle. They have a downward arch…

As the plant matures, new leaves have a cylinder appearance, while immature leaves have a papery, brown cuticle…

Racemes of spike-like flowers appear in the late summer…

To sum it up…

There are more species of snake plants available out there…

Here are the 12 species most commonly found that we’ve compiled for you!

Whichever snake plant that attracts you the most is a good idea to be added to your collection…

If you still have any queries regarding this matter…

Don’t hesitate to ask us!


There are still many recent and interesting articles about Snake Plants…

… as well as other unique information from All Things Gardener.

Check out more posts on our website like this one here!

For further information and other inquiries…

… you can contact us here.

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