What Is the Best Place to Keep My Snake Plant? Ultimate Guide (2021)

Plants like snake plants are versatile houseplants that tolerant of the harshest conditions. Do you have a brand new snake plant but don’t know where to keep it? Because snake plants have specific needs, finding the right spot for them can be difficult. Come on, let’s find out what it is.

If you are planning to place a snake plant, make sure the area gets enough indirect light exposure. Snake plants need moderate to high temperatures and moisture levels to thrive. The plant is mildly toxic, so keep it away from your children and pets.

If snake plants are kept in unfavorable conditions and ignored for a long time, they may suffer. Despite how hard they are to kill, if you neglect them long enough, they might die.

Placement Factors for Snake Plants

Keep certain factors in mind when choosing a spot for your snake plant so that it remains healthy and bushy.

Since these plants can adapt to a variety of conditions, you can experiment with unavoidable conditions.


Plants need light to grow, and snake plants are no different. Snake plants also need light to thrive. However, They are highly adaptable to almost all kinds of lighting conditions.

Snake plant leaves can be burned by the direct sunlight, causing them to dry faster. In such conditions, leaves can develop brown spots.

Snake plants require indirect light to thrive. The lighting is filtered, tolerable throughout the day, and keeps the plants moist for a long time. Your snake plant will be healthier, happier, and grow faster with this light source.

The low light is found in a shady corner of the room. In such conditions snake plants will still survive, but their leaves may droop and stretch, and they will not show much growth.

Snake plants do well in windows facing west, east, or south. To avoid scorching the plant from the sun, the plant should be kept a few feet(6-10) away from the window.

Snake plants placed outdoors should be shaded in order to prevent sunburn. Through curtains, they are shielded from direct sunlight.

The Temperature

Its toughness and toleration of various conditions make it a great plant. They are tolerant of a wide range of temperatures.

The temperature should range from 65 degrees Fahrenheit to 80 degrees Fahrenheit for a healthy snake plant. Even dry and hot environments are suitable for them to grow.

In the meantime, do not forget that if you push them over their limits, they might suffer from extreme and prolonged unfavorable temperatures. If the temperature drops below 55°F, your snake plant will get a scar on its leaves due to the low temperature. During such conditions, keep them indoors. It is a common practice to keep snake plants near heaters, radiators, and vents during the cold months in order to raise their temperatures.

While they are not entirely wrong, keeping plants too close will instead burn their leaves and cause them to become too dry.

A snake plant can feel the warmth from these heating systems but shouldn’t be too close to them.


A snake plant is a very good plant for humid climates, especially if you keep it moist. Despite a wide range of humidity conditions, they can easily survive. As long as you don’t overwater them, they would enjoy high humidity levels. Because their leaves dislike being wet, it is not necessary to mist them to increase humidity.

For consistency and to avoid shifts in humidity, use a humidifier to maintain moderate humidity levels. A moderate humidity level, i.e., not too high nor too low, is ideal. Snake plants or other succulents do well with that.

Keep These Things in Mind When Planting a Snake Plant in Your Home

Near Window

The lustrous leaves of snake plants are maintained by filtered light. Shielding the plant from direct sunlight is achieved by using sheer window curtains.  Plants should be kept near windows to ensure they are receiving enough light. 
You should re-consider keeping your snake plant in places with excessive light or if you need to keep your windows open for a prolonged period of time. 
A snake plant should be kept away from windows that receive too much direct sunlight or windows that are left open all day long. While keeping them away from the window, be sure they get enough light.
Having an east-facing window will give them full daylight exposure. Your plant should not be kept in a specific spot or by following any rules.

Depending on where you live, it may be different. If your snake plant faces west, it might be happier as well.
In the winter, you can keep them outside in order to get more light since the intensity is low. 
You should avoid touching the leaves of your plants when keeping them near windows during winter, since they might get cold and shock their temperature.

Place them near windows keeping two things in mind. Avoid excessive amounts of:

  • Direct sunlight
  • Cold drafts

Your snake plant is likely to suffer from a lack of attention to these two things.

Keep Snake Plants Away from Children

Your children may become sick if they are exposed to snake plants. Yes, it is sad but true. Humans experience short-term symptoms from snake plants, which are mildly toxic.

There is a greater risk of suffering for children than for adults. When placing your snake plants, be extra careful if your children touch the leaves or chew them. If swallowed in large amounts, snake plants can lead to swelling, numbness, and gastrointestinal upset. In addition, the juice of this plant can cause skin irritation.

While placing your snake plant, remember that all its parts are deadly.

Keeping it Out of the Reach of Pets

The saponin toxins found in snake plants will poison your pets in every part of the plant.  It is likely that pets like dogs and cats will take a bite and suffer when they are curious.

The following symptoms may occur if your pets ingest a part of the snake plant:

  • Mouth, lip, and tongue swelling 
  • Diarrhea and vomiting 
  • Pain in the abdomen
  • Feeling nauseated 
  • Appetite loss 

Your pets’ blood cells can be damaged by saponin-toxic substances, which affect their gastrointestinal tract. When placing snake plants, keep in mind that they are toxic to pets. Despite the fact that a small amount will not harm your pets, large amounts will cause them to suffer.

Generally, pets will avoid chewing snake plant leaves because they are inedible, but it is prudent to be aware of the risk.

Do Not Place Near a Fireplace

Snake plants dislike cold weather, which is why many hobbyists keep them near a fireplace or other heating system to shoot up the required heat.

Snake plants should not be kept close to a fireplace without following a few guidelines. The excessive heat from the fireplace can burn snake plant leaves. As a result, they will become thirsty and bone dry.

Place the plant a few feet away from the fireplace to correct this problem.

Move your snake plant so that you feel slight heat without feeling burned while facing the fireplace. There is no better distance than that.

Room Temperature

Since we discussed earlier, the ideal temperature range for snake plants is 55-80°F.

Snake plants will suffer from prolonged high temperatures when the temperature rises. It won’t take long for the leaves and soil to dry out and lose their moisture. The first effect will be on the leaves and then over time, the whole plant.

The temperature might be too low for snake plants to grow. Unfavorable conditions for a long period of time will also cause harm to the plant’s health. As a result, the plant will not function normally, compromising photosynthesis and leading to pale, lifeless leaves.

It might not be possible to keep them in optimal conditions all the time, but knowing their ideal needs and monitoring them can help.

Snake plants should be kept indoors during unfavorable weather conditions so they are not subjected to cold drafts and temperature shocks.

Snake Plant in Bedroom

There is nothing more beautiful than snake plants in a home. The bedroom is the perfect place to keep them. 

What is the reason? In bedrooms, they purify the air, convert a lot of carbon dioxide to oxygen, and absorb harmful toxins.

In keeping snake plants in bedrooms, you should consider these factors, however:

  • It should be exposed to light either from natural or artificial sources for at least 6-8 hours. 
  • It is best to keep plants opposite A/C so they will not get damaged by the dry, cold air, resulting in dull and pale leaves.
  • Make sure the light is distributed evenly by rotating occasionally. Nevertheless, snake plants thrive under low light conditions as well.

As these are some safe places for storing, you can keep it on a side table or near the window.

Snake Plant in Bathroom

Unlike many other plants, snake plants are very adaptable, so plant lovers are able to experiment with them indoors.

The plant can also be kept in the bedroom, bathroom, or in many other places where people spend a lot of time.

They are perfect for the bedroom and bathroom since snake plants filter out formaldehyde, which can be found in cleaning products, personal care products, tissues, etc. Keeping a snake plant in a bathroom will filter the toxins present in cleaning and hygiene products and keep the environment fresh. Humidity and low light conditions do not pose a problem for them.

A snake plant should be kept in the bathroom with some attention to humidity and light. Bathrooms are often wet places. Because there is already enough humidity, your snake plant should be placed in a place where it will not get watered every other day caused by regular water use.

Even though snake plants don’t require a lot of light to grow and thrive, they should get enough light. To prevent humidity and light-related problems, you can keep switching the plant with other houseplants if the bathroom receives little sunlight.

Here Are Some Tips for Growing a Healthy Snake Plant

  • Indoor snake plants require indirect light, high temperatures, and moderate humidity.
  • Plants should be placed differently every time. 
  • Consider moving to another best spot according to their needs when you see something kosher in your plant.
  • Avoid direct sunlight and cold drafts by placing away from windows.
  • Make sure they don’t get misted. Wet leaves make snake plants unhappy. Moderate humidity levels are also suitable for them.
  • Air purifiers are a great use for them. Many household products contain toxins that these plants filter out.

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