Beautiful Spiky Snake Plant Types (2021)

What Is A Snake Plant?

In Asia and Africa, the snake plant is a common houseplant. Artificial foliage may be noticed in the evergreen sword-shaped leaves that grow vertically. Snake plants are easy to maintain, attractive, and require little water to thrive. They are moderately poisonous if eaten, despite being quite harmless. If you consume excessive amounts of their leaves, your tongue may get swollen and numb. This plant should be kept away from children and animals that eat it.

Here are some important things to consider about; Don’t overwater. This plant is weak due to its excessive amount of water. If you place a snake plant in a well-drained pot, it can cause rotting. The soil should only be watered when it is completely dry.

Indirect sunlight is best. The best time to plant snake plants is during the day. In bright window areas it can grow in darker corners. The leaves of the plant can become floppy if the shade is completely shaded. The usefulness of snake plants is similar to that of visually appealing plants. It is possible to grow indoors and outdoors with little to no maintenance.

Spiky Snake Plants Are Here! Lets Check Them Out!

Sansevieria Bacularis

These Sansevieria Bacularis leaves can grow up to 170 cm long. They are dark green in color with light transverse bands. The leaf tips are soft. The white flowers appear in spring and have a purple stripe through them.

The plant loves a warm and bright location. Sunny places will be great for S.Bacularis! You can move it outside in summer. It will grow faster than usual. Don’t water too much, they just need to be watered sparingly. You might be busy with your work one day, it can tolerate short dry periods.  If you live in a four-season country, make sure that you bring the sansevieria  in before the first frosts

Sansevieria Francisii

This Sansevieria is native to Kenya and has a trunk-like form with upturned leaves. The height of the person is 30 cm. These taper to a tip and are marbled from dark to bright green. Plants produce runners with a variety of offsets. Cuttings can be propagated with these.

Sansevieria Senegambica

“As the name implies, “African bowstring hemp” comes from Africa. In the shadow of the trees, it grows in thick, tiny clusters. The leaves can grow to be 120 centimeters long. They’re a medium green hue with dark green transverse stripes, and they’re extremely wide

Snake Plant Care


Overwatering is one of the most prevalent issues that snake plants face. If the soil is wet, these plants will suffer root rot. You don’t want to water your plants too frequently. Allow the dirt to dry between waterings. Don’t rely on the soil’s surface to tell you when water is required. Stick a wooden chopstick or your finger into the earth. If soil sticks to the chopstick, don’t water it. If at all feasible, use water from the pot’s bottom. To aid the leaves, the roots grow downward and deep.

Clean Plant Leaves

Plants will collect fuzzy leaves over time if they are kept inside. Keeping your plants’ leaves free of dust and pollutants improves their appearance

It also assists them in maintaining their health. Air-purifying and air-filtering plants with clean leaves can absorb more light and perform photosynthesis more effectively. They can also absorb foliar fertilizer more thoroughly and effectively. It’s critical to utilize gentle, efficient techniques to clean plants that eliminate pollutants without hurting them.

Sum Up!

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