Variegated Jade Plant With Brown Leaves, What Are The Causes Of This? 5 Possible Reasons For This Problem

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As a houseplant, the variegated jade plant (Crassula ovata) has become popular…

… because it is easy to grow and requires little care.

And do you know where variegated jade plants come from? Find it out here!

Variegated jade plants add interest with splashes of white, yellow, or pink throughout their leaves…

Although a plant requires little care and can tolerate neglect…

…its leaves should become brown if they have not already become so.

variegated jade

Hear it from Trent!

Trent, a green thumb with a passion for plants, is proud to own a dying jade plant.

Jade plants are an amazing resource for landscaping and can be used in many ways,

…including as part of a home’s water filtration system or as part of an indoor garden.

Trent observes his jade plant daily and takes note of the changes it is going through.

As the jade plant begins to die, Trent begins to worry about what he will do with the plant once it is gone.

In the end, Trent learns a lot about caring for plants…

…and how to properly use them in order to make them thrive.

Trent is lucky!

Well, not just Trent. Every single one of you is in luck…

… because this post is here to exactly help you with this problem!

Before that, do you know that some people actually say jade plants are edible?

Well, you shall find your answer on that question here

Read on to find out why jade plants’ leaves turn brown!

I will tell you the truth on why people keep failing on taking back their jade plants to live,

…because it’s necessary to understand that Jade Plants could not live in an extreme environments.

Now let’s start with finding out...

Causes Of Brown Variegated Jade Plant Leaves


variegated jade

In their natural habitat, Crassula ovata grow in full sunlight…

… but Crassula ovata kept in the house may not be used to intense sunlight.

Jade plants are desert plants and have evolved several strategies to tolerate extended droughts. Their very succulence is the main means of combating drought, but they also have other tricks up their sleeve. Jade plant — and as later learned — many other kinds of plants adapted to drought conditions have adapted a unique way of photosynthesis that helps conserve water. This is called CAM photosynthesis.

Gerald Klingaman, Extension Horticulturist – Ornamentals in Division of Agriculture Research and Extension University of Arkansas System

If placed in direct sunlight, the wide leaves will scorch and turn brown.

You may be able to leave lightly scorched leaves on your Crassula ovata if they are still healthy…

Remove severely burned leaves. If you intend to place your Crassula ovata outdoors in warmer weather…

… start indoors where it receives indirect sunlight rather than full sun.

Gradually increase the sun exposure for your Crassula ovata over a period of two weeks…

Healthy leaves can be propagated instead, of jade you shouldn’t worry about throwing them away!

Changes in The Leaves

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Crassula ovata are beautiful when put as terrarium plants…

With growing age, some Crassula ovata leaves naturally turn brown and fall off…

This typically occurs on the lower leaves on the trunk…

…and branches since this is the plant’s oldest foliage…

Only a few lower leaves are prone to browning slowly…

…and dropping off is nothing to be concerned about…

Your plants are simply going through their natural growing cycles…

Now, this is important

Overwatering Variegated Jade Plant

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Crassula ovata are succulents and will grow best…

… if you allow the soil to completely dry between waterings.

If the soil is allowed to stay moist then the leaves will swell…

… and discoloration will occur, usually on the undersides of the leaves.

This kind of damage, known as edema, will happen all at once to the variegated Crassula ovata leaves.

How To Fix Overwatering Your Variegated Jade Plant

There is 3 factors that your jade plant become mushy:

  • Water excess
  • Doesn’t fit the soil mix
  • Pot water and air circulation

The best way to protect your plant from edema is to not overwater it…

If you overwatered the Crassula ovata, make the air dryer, warmer…

… and better ventilated jade around the plant so it will expel any excess water.

Do not place a Crassula ovata with oedema in direct sunlight or in a cold, dark room.

According to one of our jade plant experts, Eduard, jade plants require a soil mix. He recommended this product to grow jade plants healthily

If you already use the correct succulent soil mix, the next step is to make sure that you’re using pots with drainage. Here is what Eduard has recommended. He has tried more than 50 pots, he loves this pot since it’s breathable material and perfect size of drainage holes!

Water Salts

Salts and minerals are naturally found in some tap water…

This can also be caused by fertilizing, since fertilizers may build up on top of the soil…

This can cause brown spots on your variegated jade plant’s leaves…

…where water gets absorbed by the roots…

The leaves then expel water through transpiration…

Only water can be released from the leaves, not salts…

Salts that remain on the surface and the tips burn the leaves…

This problem will be observed on most leaves…


How To Fix Water Salts

Make sure you water your variegated jade plant with filtered water…

This type of leaf burn can also occur if you overfeed it…

Only feed it once every three months..

…and follow all instructions on the package so you don’t overfeed it.

The other cause is..

Frozen Damage

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Jade plants can survive temperatures near freezing…

… but if they get frost, they’re at risk of turning brown and falling off.

Leave your jade plant out on a frosty night and you’ll see it suffer…

Especially when you don’t have a snow blower and temperatures fall below 50 degrees Fahrenheit…

… it is advisable to bring your variegated jade plant inside.

How To Fix Frozen Damage

If harm occurs due to frost, place the plant somewhere warm and dry with bright light…

Plants that were not damaged by frost should recuperate…

… if the damage did not extend into the branches and trunk.


To Sum It Up

If you happen to have brown jade plant leaves…

Refer to the guide above so you will be sure of the problem…

After then, you will be able to determine what to do next…

… since this guide also supplies you with it.


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… as well as other unique information from All Things Gardener.

For further information and other inquiries…

… you can contact us freely.

This facts are also interesting to know..

Frequently Asked Questions

How to identify white mold on jade plants?

Jade plants are beautiful and elegant, but they can be susceptible to white mold.

This mold is easy to identify – it will turn fuzzy and whitish, and will grow rapidly on the leaves,

…branches and trunk of the jade plant. Do not use any pesticides or herbicides to treat white mold –

…they will kill your jade plant as well! If you see white patches on the surface of the soil or leaves,

…remove them immediately with a garden hoe or shovel.

Keep your jade plant healthy by watering it well and keeping it in a shady area.

How to treat white mold on jade plants without using chemicals?

Jade plants are beautiful, but they can be prone to white mold.

This fungus can cause leaves to droop, turn yellow and drop off, and can even cause the plant to die.

Thankfully, there are many natural remedies available that don’t involve harsh chemicals.

One of the most popular is watering with lemon juice.

This method has the advantage of being gentle on the plant and effective against white mold.

Other remedies include using a fungicide tea, spraying the plant with water and baking soda (for leaves),

…or watering with a water-soaked cloth.

It’s important to experiment until you find the method that works best for your jade plant.

Once you’ve found a remedy that works, be sure to keep it up!

White mold is a common problem on jade plants and can be easily treated with a few simple measures.

Is there any other way to prevent or rid myself of white mold on jades?

There is no other way to prevent or rid oneself of white mold on jades..

…other than to use a moldicidal agent.

Where Should You Place a Variegated Jade Plant in Your House?

A jade plant is a great option for those who are looking for an accent piece in their home.

It can add some much-needed color and brightness to a room,…

…and its unique mineral properties make it perfect for energizing crystals…

…or other Feng Shui enhancements.

Choose a spot with high natural light levels since this kind of lighting aids…

…in the growth of the jade plant’s leaves and flowers.

Finally, water your jadeplant regularly by watering when the soil feels dry…

…but do not overwater as this might cause root damage or disease.

Does Variegated Jade Like Full Sun?

While variegated jade is often labeled as a “garden stone,”…

…it does well in partial or filtered sunlight.

This type of jade is known for its subtle patterns and colors that change with the light illuminating it.

Therefore, if you have access to indirect light, variegated jades will look their best there.

In direct sunlight, the colors may become more pronounced and less linear;

This isn’t ideal for most people because it can be a bit overwhelming.

If you’re able to view your variegated jade in indirect light however…,

…then this would be a great option for you!

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