Snake Plants 101: Why Are The Leaves On My Snake Plant Rolled? (2021)

Why are the leaves on my snake plant rolled? Basically, when the appearance of the snake leaves is unusual it means that there is something wrong with them. But you don’t have to worry too much, since rolled leaves on snake plants is a common symptom and can be solved. Now let’s take a quick look at the culprits behind this symptom.


This is the most likely cause of your snake plant leaves rolled. Underwatering a snake plant will prevent it from carrying out the functions it is supposed to. Snake plants require water to ingest essential nutrients. Without it, the roots cannot grow. Nutrients within the water remain soluble. Additionally, without water, the leaves cannot absorb the essential nutrients. As a consequence, your snake plant leaves begin curling or wrinkling. Brown tips on snake plants are also a sign of underwatering.

Snake plants do not require much water to thrive in your lovely home. One or two waterings a month should suffice for the moisture requirements. The amount and frequency of watering will depend on the season, the potting mix, and the pot size. You should loosen hard soil before watering, then start watering regularly. You will see snake plant leaves unfurling within a few days. Don’t overwater it, as it will make the situation worse.


Snake plants can die from overwatering, and in some cases, it is impossible to save them. A snake plant that is overwatered will also have yellowing and curled leaves. Root rot disease can infect snake plants when they are overwatered. Eventually, root rot will cause the root system to malfunction. Rotting roots are caused by this fungal disease. Due to this inability to take in water and nutrients, it cannot perform its physiological functions normally. This may cause the snake plant leaf to curl. In the case of overwatering, you should examine the plant’s root system immediately. Get rid of the soil by removing the entire plant from the pot and then washing its root system.

When you inspect the roots carefully, you will notice a foul smell if it has root rot. Disinfect infected parts of the root with charcoal powder. Use fresh new soil to repot the plant in a new container to prevent further contamination. In severe cases of root rot, the plant needs to be propagated.

There Is Not Enough Light

Why are the leaves on my snake plant rolled? Snake plants do well in indoor light conditions. A plant may show symptoms like curling leaves if it does not get the minimum amount of light. In order to continue photosynthesis, snake plants also require light. The preparation of food for plants is an essential process. Snake plant leaves cannot thrive without food, resulting in curling.

Your snake plants need enough light to perform photosynthesis, so keep it near a window or in another place where it can access enough light. To meet the light requirements in your apartment if you don’t have natural light, you can use an artificial light source. The photosynthesis of snake plants is not affected by artificial light sources.

Improper Fertilizer Application

Fertilizer doesn’t need to be applied frequently to snake plants. Once or twice a month in the summer or during the growth period is sufficient to provide the nutrients the plant requires. The root system and leaves are damaged by excessive fertilization. Leaf burns or curling are symptoms of snake plants not being able to handle additional nutrients.

The solution is to use nitrogen-rich balanced fertilizer to prevent a shortage of fertilizer in the future. Because organic fertilizer releases slowly, you may consider using it if possible. Therefore, over-fertilization is not a concern. Don’t exceed the recommended dose. An official package of fertilizer tells you what dose to use.

Temperature Stress

Leaves of snake plants can curl if they are subjected to extreme temperatures. Temperature increases accelerate the process of transpiration. Therefore, the plant loses more water than usual. Why are the leaves on my snake plant rolled? Snake leaves curl when they lose water. On the other hand, snake plants can also be affected by low temperatures. Low temperatures cause the water within the leaves to freeze and form crystals. Snake plant leaves are permanently damaged by this process. When it gets too hot in your area, make sure your snake plant remains in the shade inside your home.

The plant may also be placed in an area with lower temperatures. Whenever there is a temperature below 10°C/50°F, you should keep the plant outdoors. Make sure the space where you put it is a comfortable temperature for the plant. This way your plant will recuperate from the heat stress and you can revive its curling leaves.

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