Another Snake Plant Small Varieties That Are Amazing For Your House! (2021)

Snake plants are tough, easy-to-grow plants that can be grown indoors or out especially the snake plant small varieties. Sansevieria is a lovely type of succulent plants from the genus Dracaena, which has been renamed. Around 70 distinct flowering plants belong to the Sansevieria genus.

These species come in a wide range of sizes and forms. Some Sansevieria plants can reach a height of seven feet, while others only reach a height of a foot. In this essay, I’ll discuss a few different sorts of shorter plants. These snake plant variants are ideal for your home or workplace if you want a low-maintenance plant that can fit in even the smallest places.

Miniature snake plants make wonderful ornamants when grown inside. Here are another list of snake plant small varieties that will make your room prettier.

Sansevieria Trifasciata Hahnii

Sansevieria Hahnii is one of the most popular short snake plant cultivars. Bird’s nest snake plant and dwarf mother in law’s tongue are two additional frequent names for this lovely plant. It’s a stemless variety of a popular snake plant (Sansevieria Trifasciata). The bird’s nest plant is a small cultivar that rarely reaches more than a foot (30 cm) tall. If you cultivate these plants outside, though, their underground branches tend to spread quickly.

Sansevieria Cylindrica var. Patula Boncel

Another snake plant small varieties you need to know is the famous sansevieria cylindrica. This particular variety of cylindrical snake plant (Sansevieria Cylindrica) is also called Sansevieria Starfish or Sansevieria Boncel. This plant’s leaves have the shape of a starfish, thanks to the specific shape. This plant has thick, stubby leaves that are short and stubby, making it an excellent architectural decor. As an ornamental plant, this plant is great for indoors.

Boncel cultivar is a small Sansevieria Patula hybrid with leaves that are 6 to 7 feet long. The starfish snake plant, on the other hand, barely reaches a height of one foot. Boncel cultivar, like its parent species Sansevieria Cylindrica, has stiff and meaty tubular leaves. Each leaf features a horizontal zigzag pattern in pale greenish grey and dark green stripes running the length of it. The leaves develop in an alternating pattern from the base. Although the plant resembles a starfish and has exactly five leaves, it might have more or less.

Sansevieria Pinguicula

Sansevieria Pinguicula is a snake plant that grows to be less than a foot tall. The driest parts of Kenya are home to this short but robust plant. It’s known for its stilt-like roots and capacity to grow in a variety of environments, from clay to bare rocks. The plant appears to be held above the dirt surface by its thick, succulent roots. Pinguicula has uniform greenish-blue colored leaves with no typical snake plant leaf pattern, unlike most snake plants. It resembles a little Agave plant with its thick, pointed, and broadly channeled leaves.

The Walking Sansevieria is named for its ability to “walk”, where it gets its name. In fact, this unique ability is a distinct means of reproducing. To produce aerial stolons, the plant grows underground stems (rhizomes). To make new plants, these stolons emerge from the rosette, fall to the ground and form roots. Hence, they are called ‘walking Sansevieria’ because they seem to walk away from their parent.

Sansevieria Trifasciata Twisted Sister

Sansevieria Gold Twist or Twisted Sister is another stunning snake plant small varieties, variegated cultivar of Sansevieria Trifasciata. Unlike the normal snake plant, which has vertical sword-shaped leaves, this variety has green and yellow foliage that twists and turns as it grows. It produces tightly grouped leaves in a rosette pattern, similar to the bird’s nest variation. This plant can reach a height of 15 inches (37 cm).

Gold twist plants stand out among other snake plant kinds due to their unusually shaped leaves. The typical room temperature and humidity are ideal for this plant’s growth. Place the plant in a location that receives filtered but bright sunlight.

Snake plants of the Silver Blue variety of Sansevieria Kirkii are miniature cultivars. Due to its short height, it only grows up to a foot (30 cm) high, even though its parent species has leaves 6 feet long. Due to the lack of scientific evidence, it is often simply known as Sansevieria silver blue. A collector’s plant, this cultivar is stunning.

The silvery blue foliage is broken longitudinally and mottled, giving it a lovely appearance. With its thick, short, and wavy leaves, it is unlike most plants. Easily broken into threadlike fibers, the red-brown and white margins are thin and narrow. Despite being drooping a little, the leaves remain rigid, very channeled and very stiff. This plant grows well in containers, is easy to propagate, and doesn’t require much maintenance.

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