What Is the Reason For My Skinny Snake Plant Leaves? Check Out the Causes and Excellent Solutions Here! (2021)

Have you ever seen a snake plant with skinny leaves?

Plants of this type are known to have a similar problem. Due to the plant’s short stem, most of the plant’s resources are stored in the leaves and rhizome.

The leaves of the snake plant are therefore vital for its growth.

There is hope, however, as you can fix these slender leaves with some quick solutions.

Now, let’s see how this problem can be resolved in the following guide.

Why Are My Snake Plant Leaves Skinny?

These are the reasons why Snake plant leaves become thin –

  • Lack of watering 
  • Sunlight Direct
  • Nutrient deficiency
  • Insufficient space in the pot

Your snake plant is likely to have these problems for the reasons listed above.

However, as I mentioned earlier, it’s not impossible to fix.

As a matter of fact, if you regularly take care of your plant, you will never experience the thin leaf issue.

Both indoor and outdoor plants benefit from good soil conditions.

What is your approach to dealing with this issue?

How can the plant regain its fleshy leaves?

Our next section will provide a more detailed look at it.

How to Avoid Skinny Leaves on Snake Plants

The following are the top five tips you can follow to resolve this issue –

Make Sure to Water Your Snake Plant 

The first thing you need to do is water your thin Snake plant.Using this method, you can resurrect your plant quickly and without causing it much harm. The only thing you have to do is follow a routine when watering these plants, and in a couple of weeks they should be back in growth mode.You can water the plant every 7-10 days, depending on the environment. The watering period can be extended up to 15 days if the weather is not too hot.It takes no more than a couple of minutes to water your plants. Therefore, it should not be ignored. When the soil becomes dry, water the plant.

Make Sure Your Plant Gets Enough Sunlight

The next important factor is sunlight.Bright sunlight is preferred by the snake plant throughout the day.You will need to ensure that the plant receives enough light during the day since the mechanism for creating food is pretty much based on photosynthesis.In any other case, the plant would have difficulty producing enough food during this period.What’s the best place for keeping this plant?

The plant should be kept in a room that receives 4-5 hours of direct sunlight daily. Though it’s not necessary for direct sunlight to be present!As well as direct light, this plant can survive in indirect light.A grow light can also be used in the event that there is not enough sun exposure in your room.However, natural light is always better for the plant, especially when you want to deal with skinny leaves.

Do Not Plant Many Plants in the Same Pot

Is your plant still experiencing slender leaves despite your best care? The issue might be caused by the pot in that case. We often prefer growing plants indoors in relatively small containers. This decor looks great with these containers.It is possible, however, that the plant will outgrow its pot.

Likewise, planting multiple plants in the same container may produce similar problems in the pot. As the soil has limited resources, the plants will have no option but to compete with one another. Hence, you should relocate the plants into their new pots if you’ve already planted several plants in the pot.After you remove the existing plants, you can repot the snake plant in the same pot.

Fresh soil mixture will help to enhance your plant’s growth, so don’t forget to add a batch.

Transplant the New Pups

As mentioned above, you do not have to keep the new snake plant pups in the same pot.You can move them to a new pot once they have been growing for a few weeks. You might see skinny leaves on these pups if you let them grow in the same container as their mother. Growing rapidly requires more resources for the baby plants because they feed heavily. All these plants will eventually become root-bound due to a lack of space and resources in the soil. The best way to prevent this is by transplanting the plants as soon as possible.

Keep Your Plant Fertilized

Fertilizers are also needed for indoor plants! The growth rate of their leaves is not as high as that of outdoor plants, but they still need nutrients when they are growing. Plants that do not receive regular fertilization will remain stunted, and their leaves will become skinny and flat. See how the leaves of the plant revive after fertilizing it. Also, this can be a great solution for you if you don’t have a new container for transplanting new plants.

In spite of the adverse conditions, you can simply feed the plants with fertilizers and they will continue to grow normally. Even so, you will have to perform the transplant method at some point. Therefore, you should definitely get a new pot from the local nursery or online store. If you want to revive your Snake plant, here are a few steps you should follow.By following these suggestions, the plant will surely thrive, and the leaves will improve as a result.

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