Sleeping With a Snake Plant

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The Snake Plant is the one plant that stands out above the rest of the plants in our greenhouse. Snake Plants, also called Sansevierias, are one of the most common house plants in the world.  The advanced air purifier is not only a superb air purifier, but is capable of improving your sleep and changing your life. Snake Plants are such an amazing product, and our team knows why!

What is a Snake Plant?

The snake plant (sansevieria trifasciata), a.k.a Mother-in-law’s tongue, is a type of green plant native to Africa and Brazil that is widely used as an indoor houseplant.

Recently, however, research shows that this spectacular plant is not just a mere ornament, and in fact, has many health benefits.

The leaves of this tree are tall, thick, and leathery, so they can use them to make bowstrings, and taking part in this process does not result in photosynthesis, which makes it easier to breathe what is known as a cleaner, purer air day and night.

How does it Improve Air Quality?

The US Department of Energy’s Clean Air study found snake plants to be one of the few plants that convert carbon dioxide to oxygen at night, making them the perfect plant to have in your bedroom.

Plants that hold oxygen in their leaves during the night are not recommended to be kept in sleeping spaces.

Scientists also found that it effectively removed 4 out of the 5 main toxins in the air including formaldehyde, benzene, trichloroethylene, and xylene, thus making it a worthwhile plant to keep in the home.

Is it Good for your Sleep Quality?

Several studies have also revealed that this plant enhances health, vitality, and sleep quality by supplying exceptionally rich oxygen.

By creating an oxygenated sleeping environment, helps reduce headaches, eye irritations, respiratory troubles, and promotes deeper sleep, leaving you feeling rejuvenated.

In addition, it helps to relieve allergies, relieve muscle tension, and reenergize the brain, which makes them excellent for functioning more optimally.

Is it Only Useful at Night?

No, research shows that having them in industrial and office environments can greatly improve the air quality, which can help staff work more productively throughout the day.

The Paharpur Business Center of New Delhi was named the healthiest building in that city by a survey, and it was decided that the abundance of snake plants throughout the building was responsible for it.

This technology has also been shown to reduce energy consumption by reducing the need for ventilation because air quality is improved in any work or living space.

Does it Require much Maintenance?

Because it grows relatively easily and is tolerant of the full range of light levels, it is regarded as a low-maintenance plant.

You can grow it as either an outdoor plant in warmer, tropical climates or as an indoor plant, which easily adapts to cooler parts of the world. However, it prefers temperatures that do not drop below 10°C.

During the winter months, it only requires a single watering every two months, making it one of the easiest house plants to maintain.

Sums Up

Although we all recognize the importance of air quality, sometimes we fail to observe it. As we don’t notice it, we don’t consider it. However, the air inside our homes is often a far more significant source of air pollution than the air outside. I can attest to this, especially in Manitoba, where people tend to spend the majority of their time indoors.  You may have heart and lung health problems, sleep quality problems, and mood problems as a result of poor air quality within your home, and children are even more susceptible than adults to these drawbacks than adults. It is just as important to breathe the air as it is to eat the food.

About 26 years of your life will be spent sleeping, and one aspect that affects our sleep is the air quality in our bedrooms. Sleep disorders are on the rise, so the air quality in our bedrooms has an effect on our sleep. One of the best areas to concentrate on air quality is your bedroom! In other words, how does keeping a Snake Plant for the bedroom improve air quality?

Snake Plants are unique because they are capable of performing a type of photosynthesis that is known as Crassulacean Acid Metabolism. By doing this at night, you convert CO2 (carbon dioxide – the air you exhale) to oxygen (the air you inhale)!  Almost all plants produce oxygen during the daytime. However, the Snake Plant is also filtering chemical toxins from the air. These include formaldehyde, trichloroethylene, xylene, toluene, and benzene. Inhaling these chemicals is due to mattresses, bedding, furniture, carpeting, and paint, as these products release chemicals.


In fact, NASA’s Clean Air Study showed that the Snake Plant is so effective that if locked in a sealed space without any airflow, you could survive with just 6-8 Snake Plants in it. According to NASA, the optimal amount of plants for a home at 1,800 square feet is 15 to 18 medium or large size plants.

As if the fact that it is among the most resilient and tough plants in the world wasn’t already amazing enough, it is also the most easily offended. Basically, Snake Plants require a lot of effort to destroy! Apartments, dormitories, and bedrooms are perfect places to grow. You will greatly benefit from sleeping with a couple of these miracle plants.  Try it out for yourself! Within a week or two, you will notice a difference.


There are still many recent and interesting articles about Jade Plants.. well as other unique information from All Things Gardener..

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