Superb Guide on How To Separate Whale Fin Snake Plant! (2021)

Whale Fin Snake Plants, or Sansevieria Masoniana, have the biggest leaves out of all snake plants. The Question is how to separate Whale Fin SNake Plant The plant is not as easy to come by as other Sansevierias, but is one of the more beautiful houseplants available. This snake plant can also be known as Mason’s Congo Sansevieria, and it’s just as easy to grow as the others.

Whale Fin Snake Plant Care

Despite the fact that snake plants are labeled as low light plants, you will not get the best results if you put them in a dark corner.

The term “low light” does not imply that they need it. They will just put up with low light! Plants will slowly decline if they are not placed in good light for an extended period of time. A good deal of direct sunlight is sufficient for Sansevieria to thrive. “Low light” is pretty much the opposite!” Since it was originally collected in Africa’s Congo, Whale Fin Sansevieria is sometimes called Mason Congo.


No matter what you do, make sure  that your plant is as close to a window as possible. Direct sunlight indoors would benefit these plants. For these plants, windows with an eastern or western exposure are ideal. The north-facing windows are not a bad idea at all, especially if they are  larger and unobstructed. It is preferred to have some direct sunlight.


A watering should always be thorough. Although these plants need to dry out in between waterings, it is still a good practice to water them thoroughly for a healthy root system.

Any plant can benefit from this! Ensure the soil around the entire pot is thoroughly saturated with water until water seeps through. It is important to discard excess water from your whale fins and never let them sit in water since this will cause their roots to rot.

You can easily water your plant by taking it to your sink. In the case of plants growing in a pot with drainage holes, but those pots are tucked inside decorative cache pots, take  special care. Be  sure to check the bottom of the cache pot to make sure there isn’t excess water.

It is ideal for your Whale Fin to be watered between periods when the soil is relatively dry. This should not be a problem provided the plant is growing in good light, at an optimal temperature indoors, and in a well-draining potting mix.

Checking the soil moisture with my finger is my favorite method. You  can also feel if your pot is significantly lighter by picking it up. This type of plant tolerates drought well and will not whine and whimper like some other types of plants.

How To Separate Whale Fin Snake Plant

 I was asked to find out what was wrong with this plant by the owner. This is what I found when I removed it from its pot. The pot was bare of soil.  

  • You should try to brush as much dirt from the plant as possible before laying it down.
  • Simply cut the rhizome in the middle with a sharp, clean blade.  It is important to leave at least 2-3 roots and some of the rhizome.  If  no roots are present, you should wait until you see roots.
  • Put your little one in fresh potting soil and give it a bit of water  (which should last a while).
  • Water the soil only after it has completely dried.

That’s all there is to it!  That’s it!  You may have been instructed to let the pup sit out of soil for a few days to allow the rhizome to callus over before putting it in soil.

Sum Up

basically whale fin snake plant and other snake plant are not that different. To take care of whale fin snake plant it is the same as the basic snake plant. So does how to separate whale fin snake plant is similiar with how to separate snake plant. separate whale fin snake plant doesn’t need much effort or special teatment.

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